Chapter 7

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Yuzu's eyes dropped to Mei's lips as she leaned towards Mei but stopped short of her lips. What the hell, why did she just stop? Just kiss me!! Okay screw this I can't take it. Mei closed the gap and connected their lips and kissed Yuzu eagerly. Mei slid her hands into Yuzu's hair causing her shirt to fall. Yuzu slid her hands up Mei's body reaching her stomach and slowly to Mei chest she broke the kiss and brought her lips to Mei's chest and slowly kissed. She hooked her thumb on one of the bra straps and pulled it down lightly.


"Hey Mei are you in there? For some reason the door is locked. It's me Amamiya."
"What the hell I thought this was an all girls academy?" Yuzu said confused.
"Oh holy fucking shit oh holy shit hide the makeup and pass me my tie hurry!" Mei said frantically while she fixed her bra strap and buttoned her shirt back. Yuzu threw Mei her tie and then she slipped it on.
"So who the hell is this guy?" Yuzu asked.
"He's my boyfriend" Mei said as she opened the door.
A man with brown hair stepped in. He wore a suit and had a muscular build. Honestly, he looked too old for Mei.
"Hey Mei who is this?" he said, thrusting his thumb in Yuzu's direction and gave her a cold stare. Mei stood by the door gripping the handle tightly and said "Oh this is Yuzu and she is just a new transfer student. She umm- she was just leaving. We just finished some paperwork but now we are done."
"Hmmm, okay but why was the door locked?"
"I-it...umm" Mei stuttered
"It was locked because people kept disturbing us and we need to get the paperwork done. You know how annoying some students can be." Yuzu said, looking at Amamiya and giving him a small smirk "Always walking in at a bad time." She added through grit teeth.
"Yeah, right so I just locked the door. It won't happen again." Mei said closing the door and walked toward her desk and straightened a stack of papers. Amamiya walk up behind her and not so silently mumbled "It better not happen again"
Oh so he's like that Yuzu rolled her eyes and sat back to watch their interaction. What a dick, I can't believe she is with him. Ughhh, I wish he wouldn't have interrupted us but damn what does that mean for us? Why is she with him anyways she deserves so much better.
"Well Mei, thanks for the help I'll see you around." Yuzu said, rubbing the back of her neck while walking out the door.
Mei watched Yuzu walk out of the student council room.
"Mei what did you say that girl's name was again?"
"Oh her that's Yuzu. She transf-"
"No I didn't ask for her back story, I just asked for her name. God you don't listen do ya?"
"Yes, her name is Yuzu Okogi."
"Okogi...Okogi" he said plopping down in the desk chair "That name sounds so familiar."
—time skip to after school—
Yuzu walked through the hallways looking for Harumi. Okay I know this is a big building but I'm pretty sure I passed this room at least twice I think. Huhhh where the hell is Harumi???
Yuzu saw a girl walking down the hallway. "Hey have you seen Harumi? She's taller than me and she has really nice breasts oh ummm she's really nice."
The girl mumbled a no and started to walk off.
"No, oh okay. Where is this girl at?"Yuzu said as she continued to walk the halls. I might as well walk to the student council room and see if Mei knows where Harumi is. Once Yuzu got to the student council room the door was cracked. She looked through the crack in the door and saw Mei propped up against the desk while Amamyia kissed her neck. Mei looked so uncomfortable she obviously didn't want to be with him. One of his hands was on one of her hips and the other hand was sliding up her thigh and pulling up her skirt but Mei grabbed his wrist. "Stop I told you I'm not ready for that."
"It's fine I'll be really quick." He said pulling her skirt up the rest of the way exposing her panties.
"I said no" Mei yanked his hands off of her. That made Yuzu's blood boil.
"What the hell Mei? What's wrong wit-" He started but was cut short off because Yuzu busted in the student council room.
"Hey Mei what's up? Ohhh Amam...ahh ahh what was your name again? Sorry it's easy to forget hehe."
"My name is Amamyia and could you knock next time? We were in the middle of something."
"Oh really cause you don't seem to be doing anything right now." Yuzu said, cocking an eyebrow.
"Whatever I'm leaving." Amamyia said while he snatched up his jacket and stormed out and slammed the door behind him.
"What a dick! Can you believe that guy?"Yuzu said "storms out after he can't get what he wants."
"Yeah well he's normally like that and sorry you had to see me in that position" Mei said, straightening her clothes. Yuzu could tell Mei was embarrassed so she decided to change the subject.
"So I was actually coming to see if you knew where Harumi is. She told me you two are friends so I figured you might know where she went."
"Yeah she usually goes out to the parking lot to talk to a couple people before everyone gets out of class. So you might be able to find her there."
"Okay thanks I'll look, oh and about what I saw do you want to talk about it? I mean I'm not going to make you talk unless you want to." Yuzu said propping against the door frame.
"Um not right now" Mei said looking away "thanks anyways"
"Yeah anytime" Yuzu said with a smile and walked out "I'll see you around Mei"
—time skip to Yuzu meeting up with Harumi—
Yuzu walked up to Harumi while she was throwing her stuff into her car.
"Hey Harumi, what the hell happened to us meeting in the library? I was waiting on you in there and the creepy old librarian dude kept checking me out."
"Oh shoot I forgot completely" she said as she slapped her hand to her forehead "my sister texted me and was telling me that I need to be home right after school because I'm making dinner. Do you mind if we reschedule?"
"No it's fine we could reschedule just give me a call when you want to get together. Okay?" Yuzu said, holding up her phone.
"Awesome thanks Yuzu you're the greatest!! I will most definitely be giving you a call so we can get together." Harumi hopped into her car and drove off while Yuzu slid onto her bike and turned it on and drove off. While she was driving she saw a familiar raven hair girl and pulled up beside her to park.
"Hey Mei do you need a ride?" Yuzu asked as she put the kickstand down.
Mei turned to her and gave her a small smile "yeah that would actually be great."
"Alright hop on"
Mei slid onto the bike and scooted up until she was practically laying on Yuzu's back. Mei rapped her arms around Yuzu's stomach and pressed her chest to Yuzu's back and laid her head on her shoulder and inhaled the refreshing smell of wildflowers. Being with Yuzu like this just makes me feel so...different, it just feels so right. I wish I could always feel like this Mei thought to herself.
After a while they finally made it to their apartment building and parked.
"Hey umm I'm sorry for getting you into this awkward situation. We should probably talk about it." Mei said she handed Yuzu her extra helmet.
"We probably should..." Yuzu said as they walked to their apartments.
"You can come over to my apartment and I can make you dinner. I mean if you want to of course."
"Okay yeah that's fine around what time?"
"How about 7?" Mei suggested as she pulled her keys out and unlocked her door.
"Sure I'll see you at seven." Yuzu said giving her a wave as she walked into her apartment.

Sorry it took me so long to update this one. I will try to be quick with the next chapter!!

***Oh and please leave a comment or vote on the chapter to tell me how you like it.***

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