Vicious Intentions

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by: tweety-src-clt9

Vicious Intentions

Cormac McLaggen was sitting on one of the bar stools at The Hog's Head as he angrily slammed his third glass of Ogden's Finest Firewhiskey on the countertop. With gritted teeth, he glared at the wizarding photo on the cover of the Daily Prophet.

Ronald Weasley Breaks Personal Keeping Record at Chudley Cannons vs Falmouth Falcons Match

He could see Ronald bloody Weasley with an idiotic grin on his face as he pumped his fist in the air as a sign of victory. He could never understand why this ginger-haired mediocre bastard of a Quidditch player ever got a position in a professional team. Sure, this useless sidekick to the fucking Boy Who Lived played for the Chudley Cannons, the most horrible team in the world in terms of the highest record for losses, but still... How could any team pick Ronald Weasley over him? Just because this bastard was the best mate of Harry fucking Potter didn't mean that he could just barge in and take whatever it was that should have belonged to him.

As his eyes were glued to one of the smaller pictures, he closed his fist in anger as he banged it on the countertop. Hermione Granger, the witch he wanted to fuck at Hogwarts, wrapped her arms around her bastard of a boyfriend, the ginger idiot who stole his Quidditch career from him.

"You better watch out, Weasley. Someday, I'll take everything away from you... Including this gorgeous nerd who I could only assume is a wildcat in between the sheets," he said with venom as his eyes were shooting daggers at the picture.

Suddenly, he heard a name muttered in an angry whisper so he turned his head to eavesdrop. He saw Cho Chang licking a red lollipop as she listened to her Ravenclaw sidekick, someone whose last name certainly starts with 'edge'.

"I fucking hate Hermione Golden Girl Granger, Cho! Honestly! It's like she walks around the ministry thinking she's so bloody special just because she is the heroine to Harry fucking Potter's hero," ranted Cho's sidekick.

"Good thing I work in potions research then. I cannot imagine the pain you must go through every single day as you hear comments about how absolutely perfect Hermione Granger is," Cho said sympathetically.

"If only it's legal for ladies to kill bitches, I'd have fucking sliced that bloody perfect slut's throat years ago," her friend said with venom.

"I hate reading about the bloody Golden Trio all the fucking time too... It's like they're gods or something," Cho agreed.

While listening to the two friends who were discussing their shared hatred for Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter, a brilliant scheme formed in his mind. He summoned the barman and ordered some glassed of elf wine for the two witches.

When Cho and her friend looked at him as the barman gestured towards his direction after placing the complimentary drinks on their table, he smirked. He stood up from his seat and walked toward the two witches.

"Good evening, ladies! May I join you?" The two witches shared a look before shrugging.

"Of course, please have a seat," Cho replied as she pointed to an empty chair.

"I'm not sure if you remember me, but I'm – "

"Cormac McLaggen," the witches chorused.

"Ah! It feels good to be remembered by gorgeous ladies such as yourselves," he flirted.

"What do you want, McLaggen?" Cho cut to the chase.

"Would you care to introduce me to your friend first? I could only remember her last name starts with 'edge'. If we're gonna be partners, we ought to know one another," he looked at the other witch who had a weird looking pattern of pimples on her forehead.

"Marietta Edgecombe," the witch extended a hand for him to take. Instead of shaking her hand, he kissed her knuckles. He needed to charm these women so that they would join him in his elaborate revenge plot on the Golden Trio.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Edgecombe," he stared at the witch's eyes before gently letting go of her hand.

"Now that we have the introductions out of the way, tell us... What do you want McLaggen?" Cho demanded to know. This bitch is a mean one. She would really be useful for my schemes, he thought.

"First, call me Cormac."

"Fine! Cormac, what do you want?"

"I can't help but overhear your conversation and it seems that we have a common enemy. The fucking Golden Trio!" He said the second statement with malice.

"I see," Marietta remarked.

"So?" Cho prodded.

"I want us to work together to slowly bring them down. We'll destroy their friendship. We'll destroy their lives. We'll get our revenge," his voice was dark and feral. His eyes were glistening with a hunger for vengeance.

"You honestly think that we can go against the bloody Golden Trio? The most powerful and most influential wizards in recent history?" Cho Chang asked incredulously.

"All we need is careful planning and a solid way to destroy every single one of them," he was determined to convince these two to join him in his vicious plans.

"Why do you hate the Golden Trio so much?" Marietta inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"Ron Weasley stole everything from me. He stole my Quidditch career, he stole my girl, and he stole my limelight," he gritted his teeth in anger.

"You mean, you're in love with Hermione Granger?" Cho was aghast.

"Whoever bags the Brightest Witch of the Age will be the world's most envied wizard. Right now, Ronald fucking Weasley is the alpha wizard for banging Granger... Hence, I want her. McLaggens always get the best and I want her gorgeous arse." He smirked and the women rolled their eyes.

"You know, if you take Granger away from Weasley, he's not the only one who will be extremely aggrieved," he could already sense that Cho Chang will be on his side because of the wicked glint in her eyes as she made that comment.


"Look! See!" Cho pointed a picture on the front page. To his utter delight, upon seeing what Cho was hinting at, he had a look of feral victory in his eyes. Why didn't I notice it before?

Below the large photo of Ronald Weasley was a picture of the bloody Golden Trio with Hermione Granger cuddling her boyfriend. Standing beside the couple was Harry Potter who had a look of longing in his eyes as he glanced at the brunette beauty. Oh, revenge is gonna be so fucking sweet indeed!

"So... Harry bloody Potter is fucking in love with Hermione Granger," he smirked and Cho nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes... So, if you take Granger away, then Harry will be heartbroken as well," Cho said conspiratorially.

"I thought you were Potter's girlfriend years ago?" He was honestly confused.

"I hate Harry Potter! He bloody dared to leave me on a freakin' date for Hermione fucking Granger! Besides, it's his fault that my Cedric died in that stupid tournament," her jaw clenched. Alright! Chang is on my side now, he smirked.

"Since I hate Hermione 'Perfect' Granger, I'm in! I'll do whatever it takes to get my revenge on that bitch. First, it was those awful pimples that cannot be removed by any sort of magic. I was forced to endure this muggle laser thing and it's still not fully healed! And then, she fucking steals the limelight at the ministry as if she can do no wrong," Marietta ranted as her eyes blazed with anger and hatred.

"Good! Now here are my initial ideas for our revenge plot against the Golden Trio..." He beckoned for the two witches to move closer so they could hear his suggestions.

With hushed tones in that shady pub, Cormac McLaggen, Cho Chang, and Marietta Edgecombe discussed their elaborate scheme on how they planned to destroy the lives of the heroes of the British Wizarding World, the Golden Trio, one person at a time...

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