01 - New habits

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''This is Berk. For generations, it was vikings against dragons. The battles were forocious, but one day, everything changed. I met Toothless and, together, we've shown people here that, instead of fighting dragons, we can ride them, live with them, even train them.

We didn't have to kill them, we could ally.''

Like every morning for several weeks, the teens from the village had gathered on the cliffs at the east side of the island. Five dragons and their riders were aligned at the edge of one stone pillar, waiting for the signal to start their competition.

''Okay guys, who's up first ? '' Hiccup asked.

''Huh-'' Fishlegs began.

''Me !'' Snotlout claimed, rising his fists.

''Actually I think it's-'' Fishlegs tried again.

''Me !''

''Sweet,'' Astrid sighed, getting impatient. ''Thor in a thunder storm, GO !''

''Don't worry, we'll go. And when we go, Hookfang and I, are gonna light up the skyyyyyyyyy !''

The end of his sentence was cut off by a loud scream at the top of his lungs as the Monstruous Nightmare decided to take off without his conscent, dragging him in a dive all along the stone pillar.

The others stared as they left and slalomed between the differents pillars, the stubborn viking still yelling. Hookfang flew, ascended, made a single spin, then dove again to plunge in the sea. He stayed underwater for a few seconds before going up again and going back at top speed to his departure point, just between the Gronckle and the Nadder.

Dumped to the bones, Snotlout patted his chest and head.

''I'm alive... ? I'm alive ! Of course I am !''

Hiccup hold back his urge to laugh while Astrid sighed heavily. Snoutlout was still showing off even if he had clearly not been in control of his dragon. He never really was. Fishlegs couldn't wait for his turn, so he didn't mind to interrupt his friend.

''It's my turn ! Ready, Meatlug ? Here we go !''

He clenched his fists and didn't even hold on his saddle as the Gronckle took off slowly and calmly. She only flew around the pillar and went back between the Monstruous Nightmare and the Zippleback. The teens' gaze followed them warylly while Fishlegs beamed.

''Yes ! New personal best !''

He bent forward and kissed his dragon's head as she licked his face.

''My turn !''Ruffnut claimed.

''No, my turn !'' Her twin interjected.

''Guys... same dragon.'' Hiccup sighed.

''Oh, right !''

Both bumped their fist and took off. Hiccp slightly shook his head, half amused and half exasperated the twins still had not understood that their dragon may had two head but was a single one being. The Zippleback went down alongside the pillar, then flew towards another one. So far everything was alright, until the twins started to fight again.

Sat on the left neck, Tuffnut wanted to go left, while Ruffnut aimed for the right. When they agreed to listen to each other and change direction, they both did so, so the dragon's necks were twisted and the dragon derouted. Obviously, they ramed into the pillar, and obviously the dragon didn't like that. He went back on the other direction and decided to pay back his riders, so he threw them in the air.

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