08 - For the love of a dragon, part 1

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 ''It's not possible, it's not possible...''

That was all Hiccup could say and think. They had found Joke's track, reached the place he was kept in, they had found him, they were so close to get him back...

All for what ? For a unknown dragon to steal him from them ? Why ? How did they disappear ? Was it just an illusion ? A funeral vision ?

A night Fury, white as a ghost, dragging Joke with him in another world, invisible and unreachable... Was it a valkyrie ? Did that mean Joke was dead ?

So many questions messed up with the panicked and confused viking's mind, his heart was pounding so loud it was crushing his chest, his breath was unsteady and shaking, his limbs were shaking and sweating. After a moment of total confusion, barely hearing his friends' voices, as lost as him, realisation slapped Hiccup in the face, yet he couldn't accept it.

He screamed in rage and despair and punched the air before collapsing on his best friend's back. Said best friend was whining in worry.

''What happened ?'' Snotlout asked. ''Where are they ?''

''Is this dragon made of clouds ?'' Tuffnut added, half-joking, half-astounded.

''Odin almighty...'' Reekfrid gasped.

''There !'' Astrid yelped.

Hiccups tarted hearing her and immediatly straightened up to look where she was pointing. They all looked downwards and saw the white Fury skimming above the sea. He growled noticing he had been spotted and flew faster.

''Hurry ! Follow him !'' Hiccup said.

Toothless was the first to dove after him, losing the rest of the group as he was too fast for them. He reach the sea level and caught up with the white Fury, Hiccup stretched his arm in hopes to get a hold of Joke, but his opponent made a side swirl – hitting his hand with his wing – before leaving in another direction.

When the white-haired boy slipped from the dragon's back, completely motionless, the young viking panicked and called out his name. Toothless spread his wings to slow down and quickly turned around to try and catch him, but the white Fury was faster and grabbed the unconscious boy in his paws.

Hiccup mentally cursed as he saw them getting away, yet he got surprised as he saw the dragon adjusting Joke on his back. He was looking at him over his shoulder, he seemed troubled... no, worried. Puzzled, Hiccup bent on his best friend.

''It doesn't looke like this dragon is trying to kidnap Joke, he looks like he's protecting him.''

Toothless shook his head and suddenly roared to the white dragon, which stopped by surprise. Both found themselves face to face. Hiccup let og of one handle and lifted his hand towards the white dragon, trying to speak with a reassuring voice.

''We don't want to hurt you, we're friends.''

Toothless cooed, as if to repeat the words, but the white Fury still seemed distrustful. He was frowning, growling, showing his teeth as white as his scales.

''Look, I don't know how you two met, but we want the same thing : protect him from the hunters. We're on the same sid-''

''Here it comes !'' Snotlout yelled.

Hiccup started as a fire spit bursted next to him, aiming for the white Fury. Said dragon dodged and roared before fleeing away. Hookfang, Barf and Belch – the twins' Zippleback – chasing him.

''Snotlout ! No, stop !'' Hiccup panicked.

''Hiccup ! Are you okay ?'' Astrid said, joining him.

The Lost Boy II - For the love of a dragonWhere stories live. Discover now