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BTS is not mine

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BTS is not mine. They don't belong to me. They belong to their own selves.

The pictures in the story aren't mine. I gave full credits to the owners.

The characters in the story (except for bts, other idols and some) are mine.
I made their names and such.


Additional Notes:

1.) I will use this (" ") to indicate that the person is speaking/ whispering/etc. And this (' ') to indicate that the person is thinking.
Sometimes, I really don't use it

2.) WARNING ⚠ : There will be wrong grammars, mistakes and wrong spellings. So, in advance, I'm sorry for these. You should maybe exit. 😂😂😂😂😂

3.) Please deal with me. I'm still a beginner at writing. 📜 📜 📜

4.) This book maybe cringey. So please deal with it. I'm sorry again.

5.) I don't really write smuts. But if you want to, I'll try (I'll try.. I repeat.. I'll try). You're horny, aren't you? 😏

6.) Please write your comments because it will serve as a feedback for me. And please vote. If you don't want to, I won't force you.

7.) I really love the Maknae line of Bts especially with Jungkook as my bias. Don't get me wrong, I love them all. The Hyung line are my bias wreckers. Hehehehe😂😂😂
This book will have many dramas, love triangles, love squares... Ahhahahaha😂😂😂

8.) You as the reader is the main character. As you read, you'll notice there is Y/N. This means you'll have to insert your name as you read.

I will provide you a name but if you don't want the name I gave, then it's your choice whether you use your own name or make your own.

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