Part Nineteen | In This Moment, Leave Us Be

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It's bitterly cold on the rooftop.

Violet pulls her jumper tighter around her arms as she watches the red orb of light begin to rise over the city. 

The sky burns with an intense orange as the hues from the sun colour the rising morning. High overhead, towards the stars, the last throws of night hang over Violet like a curtain of darkness above her head.

Somewhere in the city, a siren sounds. A loud high pitched cry that cuts through the heart of Boston before silencing itself almost as soon as it started. Violet shivers and looks out at the steel buildings that cut in front of the rising sun, watching the shadows that crawl across the city consume smaller buildings as they advance towards her location perched on the rooftop.

"I thought that I'd find you up here," comes a voice from the doorway to the rooftop.

Violet smiles to herself before she leans back on her arm, looking at Clementine who wanders towards her, wrapped in a blanket and an oversized t-shirt.

"I'm sorry," apologises Violet as Clementine settles by her side. The brunette unwraps the blanket from around her body and extends her arm across Violet's shoulder, draping the blanket across her girlfriend as she shields her from the cold.

"It's okay," says Clementine with a smile, admiring Violet's face and noting the soft bruise on her slender neck. A physical impression left on her skin from their tryst beneath the sheets only hours before.

"Well," says the brunette as she looks out over the city and smiles to herself, "if it was anyone else, I might have been slightly annoyed to have woken up alone in bed after we'd just had sex for the first time," mumbles Clementine with a smile on her face. "But I know you're going through a lot, so I'll let you off."

"I am sorry, I couldn't sleep," repeats Violet as she pulls the blanket further around her shoulders. "I should have stayed with you. This changes nothing though Clem," assures Violet, "I just needed to think."

"I know it changes nothing," repeats Clementine.

The blonde inhales deeply, closing her eyes as the wind ruffles her hair. "It's just that I haven't been intimate with anyone like that for years. It's a weird feeling letting someone see you in your most vulnerable state after you've built up all your walls."

"I get it," says Clementine quietly.

The brunette stays quiet for a moment, but she smiles as she turns her head and watches Violet. Inhaling deeply the younger woman leans her head against Violet's shoulder, closing her eyes as she relaxes.

"I love you, Violet," whispers Clementine on her next exhale.

Violet keeps her eyes focused on the city stretching out as far as the eye can see. She takes in the magnificent views, the sunrise and the burning colours that it brings with it, the way Clementine is leaning against her, and she smiles.

"I love you too," says the blonde, "but it's cold out here, we should go back downstairs."

Clementine doesn't say anything but she does slowly get to her feet, once more gathering the blanket in her arms as she holds one hand out to Violet. The blonde confidently takes it, feeling Clementine's smooth skin beneath her fingertips.

"Do we have plans for tomorrow?" asks Clementine with a smile as she holds open the door to the rooftop, ushering Violet into the stairwell of the apartment building and closing the door behind her.

"I think you mean today Clem," says Violet affectionately as she checks the time on her phone, it's drawing near to 5 am.

Clementine smiles and runs her fingers through her messy hair, pulling free the knots and tangles that have formed during her sleep. "Okay then," she says as she links her arm through Violet's, "what are we doing today?"

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