A Selfish Me, A Selfish You

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In the embrace of this world,
A selfish me,
Who receives all warmth
But refuses to see,
The sprouts of love that
Everyone grows,
Their will to help
Through my highs and lows.

I see only the dents,
The cracks in all else.
I count it unfair,
To simply breath the same air
As that of such devils,
Who bathe in the glory of hate,
But I often, often forget
The angels I've met.

Like you, like them, I raise
My words against what's wrong.
But where does my spirit leave,
When it's turn to speak for
What's right?

In the embrace of this world
A selfish me,
Chose to listen
Only to cruelty,
Only later do I recognise,
That the wrong persists,
Because of selfish people,
People like me.


"Even thinking the least good of others gradually instills into the heart, the strength of a lion." - Swami Vivekananda

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