Who Will Win

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When they were making there way towards the backlands they spotted Vitani's whole guard, Makucha than said don't go until I do they than hunkered down and started crawling when they almost reached the border they were shocked they saw Vitani, when she spots them she snarls and asks them why there still here, Makucha than said we're just leaving but than Vitani says your not going anywhere you had your chance but now it's to late she than walks towards Chuluun only to be pinned by Makucha she than kicks him off and starts running towards him but than Chuluun pushes her away and towards a cliff the 2 than walk up to her and see her holding on for dear life,but instead of throwing her they pick her up be the scruff and hoist her back up. She is shocked and thanks them and tells them that they can leave, but to pls not come back, they assure her that they won't come back and they say goodbye to her and they head back towards their territory.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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