Wandering Oaken's Trading Post

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Elsa POV: 

Me and y/n were getting close to the city. The journey was mostly silent until I broke it by asking, "So y/n, care to explain what happened in the Scarlet Cave? And the creature Grand Pabbie warned us about? What became of it?" "Err, well the creature wasn't actually evil as such.. The creature was a griffin and it guarded the Golden Crystal, it basically decides who is worthy of retrieving such an object. I guess that's a good way of putting it." "But that doesn't explain why your clothes changed or the gold sword." I said to her. "When I had hold of the crystal, magic circled me and that was when the transformation happened. I assume that is what reignited the magic within me Grand Pabbie told us about." I nodded in response. 

I halted my ice horse and y/n stopped Peppermint who we managed to get back. "On a cheerier note, we've arrived at the city of Arendelle." I dismounted my horse and told y/n to do the same. "We'd be too easily spotted with a reindeer and an ice horse. We need put Peppermint somewhere safe. Luckily I know someone who can take care of him until we come back." I tell her. "Who?" She asked. "Oaken." 

We eventually reached Wandering Oaken's Trading Post. Y/n stayed outside with Peppermint so I went inside alone, not that I minded though. "Hoo hoo. Anything you like your majesty?" Oaken greeted as soon as I walked through the door. "Actually Oaken, I need a favour." "Ya what is it I can do for ya?" He asked. "I was hoping if it's not too much trouble if you could watch over a reindeer, he's outside along with his owner." "Sure ya your majesty, how long vould I be looking after him?" "I honestly have no idea. It depends if Arendelle and my sister are okay." "In dat case I can take your reindeer to the stables. Does this reindeer of yours have a name ya?" "Err yes he's called Peppermint." "Very vell, follow me and I will show you where the stables are. Vill ya be needing a place to sleep seeing as tho it is dark?" "Why it's not that late. Is it?" I asked him unsure. "Ya it is now dark." "Can you just give me a second while I speak to y/n." 

I made my way outside and over to y/n and Peppermint. "I guess I didn't realise quite how late it was with everything going on. Are you alright to continue?" Whilst speaking to her, I noticed she was trying hard to keep her eyes open giving me the answer I needed. "Alright, alright, we'll rest for a while." She just smiled at me and leaned on the reindeer. I was about to go back inside when Oaken came out. "Okay lets get this reindeer to the stables. So, vill you need a place to sleep ya?" He asked. "Yes we will. The stables will be fine, as we won't stay all night." He nodded and began heading towards the stables and we followed suit. 

Once we were inside the stables, I said to Oaken, "Thank you, I promise I'll pay you as soon as I can." "No vorries. Just let me know if you need anything ya." I nodded and with that he left leaving just me, y/n and Peppermint. "You look exhausted y/n, go lie down on that hay stack over in the corner, I'll sort Peppermint." She nodded and walked over. It didn't take long to sort Peppermint. When he was had water and food etc. I went over to y/n who had taken her armour off leaving her in her regular clothes and lay down next to her. I turned my head towards her and she did the same. "You know since the trolls, we haven't managed to spend time together alone have we?" I asked her. She didn't say anything but there was a certain look in her eye that I just couldn't quite figure out. Then, she leaned towards me and placed her lips on mine. "No we haven't and if it's okay with you, I want to take this to the next level." "Are you suggesting? Wait a minute you weren't really tired were you? That was just an excuse to be alone wasn't it?" The smirk on her face was all the confirmation I needed to know I was right. "Well, if you really want to take up a notch, I don't mind." I told her and kissed her back. Tonight will be interesting for definite! 

Ending this one here. Not sure about this chapter. Let me know what you thought and don't forget to vote! :)

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