Baby Yoda

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It was fifty years ago that a Force-sensitive being was born in the tribe of the famous Jedi Yoda. It was this being that attracted the attention of a Project Harvester. It was an organization ran by the Imperials to turn such beings to the dark side and have them serve the needs of the Empire. It was operated from a secret installation on the planet Arkanis, which was connected to the planet's Imperial headquarters and the Arkanis Academy.

The being was now fifty years old, yet, it was still considered a child of its species, still vulnerable to outside influences and thoughts. Who was this being? Was he some secret love child of Jedi Master Yoda and a high-ranking female in the Jedi Council. This would certainly be a juicy story for the yellow press. It is true that Master Yoda interacted with one: Yaddle, a female of the species present on Coruscant but Yoda never even mentioned it — not even on his deathbed.

Perhaps , the being was not Yoda's son but rather a clone developed similarly to the soldier clones that participated in the Clone Wars. One thing is clear - it was important to the remnants of the Imperial order and Dr. Pershing was assigned to assist in this endeavor. "I order you to extract the necessary material and be done with it." There was one specific problem - The Child was held at a compound run by Nikto mercenaries on Arvala-7. The Nikto were a humanoid sentient species native to the planet Kintan. They were rather ugly looking desert-dwelling creatures distinguished by their scaly, course skin, horns and spikes. To target these creatures, the Imperials hired a bounty hunter named The Mandalorian who was now enroute to Arvala-7.

The Mandalorian engaged vertical thrusters and landed Razor Crest on a sun-baked plateau. He activated and sent five recognisance probes. They flew low scanning the landscape tracking any sort of infra-red, radio and other emissions. Few hours later they collected needed intel and located a Nikto compound. The intercepted communications confirmed the presence of the Target. It was a relatively small compound. Behind a high wall was a cluster of low-slung buildings, a landing pad, and several stainless steel tanks. He would have to go building-to-building to find his target. Then again, it will probably be the sleeping quarters for the unit. After mulling things over for a while, he waited until dark, drove his bike to Nikto location and crawled along the perimeter, placing explosives in several important locations including presumed ammunition dump.

Now he simply returned to his ship and spent a few hours resting. At dawn he lifted Razor Crest from the plateau and headed in the direction of Nikto camp. Several hours later he was ready to land right on the landing pad, Red and Green Nikto ran out of their buildings attracted by the noise made by the landing craft. It raised clouds of dust and Niktos were running around in confusion, the Mandalorian triggered the explosions.

Total chaos erupted. Using this time for cover, the Mandalorian run towards the sleeping quarters. He gunned down anyone standing in his way. These were mercenaries and he did not care about them. Opening the front door, the bounty hunter ran down the hall towards the door with two guards on each side. They opened fire but it was in vain. The Mandalorian's heavy steel armor protected him from bluster fire. He ran past the guards who by now were crumpled on the floor. He opened the door, and there he was - the Target as he was described. 'Come with me!" He was about to offer his hand when IG-11 droid that he brought along attempted to destroy the Target.

"I will suicide you now," hissed the droid baring a dagger.

"Hey. That was not part of the plan," yelled the Mandalorian.

He grabbed his bluster and fired twice in the back of droid's head. It collapsed in a heap. The Mandalorian waisted no time. He grabbed the Target and ran towards the landing pad sending plasma bolt left and right.

Only inside his craft flying over the desert, the Mandalorian looked at his Target. It was... a Child. A cute, adorable Child. Right there he decided that was not giving it to the Imperials no matter what.

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