The Shinobi Menace

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Just to put things in perspective as we approach this exciting story in the Galaxy far far away. It is now 9 ABY and Luke Skywalker is traveling the galaxy learning about the Jedi and other Force-using traditions. Princess Leia is serving in the senate, and Han Solo is freshly back from an adventure to stop a galaxy-wide droid apocalypse. Their son, Ben Solo, is five years old and probably playing a lot with his uncle Chewie. Elsewhere, Poe Dameron is seven years old and learning to fly an A-Wing with his mother.Finally, Baby Yoda also known as The Child is on the run. Having being requested as a bounty by a mysterious person known as a Client to the bounty hunters, The Child appropriated Dyn Jarren, known as The Mandalorian as a personal babysitter and bodyguard. They have established a deep bond between each other. Some thought it was a Force Bond, and some thought it was just a case of fatal cuteness on the part of Baby Yoda. They were recently hiding on planet Sargen where an assassin attempted to kill The Child. In a dramatic turn of events Mando killed the assassin sent by the Guild but now they were on the run again. As they were running away, our friend Mando was feverishly thinking - how is he going to hide such distinctive looking child. What is he going to do with someone who is considered an infant at age fifty. Dynn's emotions were totally in flux. He was brought up as a soldier and now he had this adorable tiny thing with floppy ears and giant round eyes to take care of. He was a bounty hunter, and now he had new father-like responsibilities. It was this sense of responsibility that brought the Mandalorian to Tatooine.

Mando was shopping at the local open-air market when someone tapped him on his shoulder. He whirled with a gun in his hand, but he realized that he was not being attacked. It was Omera and Winta.

"How... how did you find me here? How did you leave Sargen?"

"Hello, Dyn. Long time since your escape from Sargen and, yet, here you are! Well I admit that it was a struggle, " she said. "We hitched a ride with the smugglers".

"It was very risky," Mando told her. "Anything can happen on a smuggler run. Besides, there are people who are after my hide as we speak. But ... I am glad to see you. Why don't we leave the open spaces "

They got a room at Spaceport Hotel. The advertising tablet boasted about a comfortable family inn with spacious rooms, quiet surroundings and pleasant service. After checking and rechecking their security arrangements, Mando breathed a sigh of relief.

"How about that bottle of Bantha blood fizz?" He offered, pouring blue sparkly liquid into two long stemmed goblets .

"Why don't you take that armor off," Omera whispered in his ear. "The kids are sleeping - she pointed to Winta asleep on the floor, hugging Baby Yoda as stuffed toy. "They are so cute together."

"Hey, at least the sheets are clean," he thought. "Omera is certainly in the game. Why not?" He was about to take off his helmet when his internal instruments registered several shadows converging on their room. "Damned Shinobi Guild!" Mando cursed in several languages before turning to Omera.

"Omera, first, do not panic, second, can you take kids and yourself to the back room. Lock door and just in case everything fails..." he gave her a heavy NN-14 Blaster. "I hope you know how to use it."

"I will not be long," he assured her. For a quick moment he opened his cheek plates and kissed her on the lips. It was a long, passionate kiss. "I will be back," he repeated.

There were three of them, all members of Galactic Shinobi Guild. One was crawling suspended from a hallway ceiling, another one was scaling a wall and was planning to burst through a window. Finally, the third one was hiding above the front door waiting to strike from behind. 'Got to give it to them, they were properly taught" Mando told himself over and over again. "Got to stay sharp!"

The shadows that reflected as red triangles on Mando's heads-up display stopped moving.

Step 1. A "spider" over the front door. Targeting is on. Got his thermal silhouette splashed against the wall. One slug in the magazine. Fire. The piece of the wall above the front door disintegrated together with hapless assassin. Mando slowly stepped over the debris, his targeting scope scanning for the next target. Found him - The "spider" on the ceiling.

Step 2. A "spider" on the hallway ceiling. You cook him in his own juices. Mando attached terminals and high-voltage wires to the metal rods and braces that crossed the ceiling like a lattice work. He turned up the voltage. The "spider" fell from the top of the ceiling perfectly cooked and in true insect fashion had those extremities high up.

Step 3. The "scaler" was the Shinobi trying to burst through the window. He was actually in the front room looking around when Msndo found him. The shinobi curled his lips. "You are not invincible Mandalorian, and you are not hard to find."

"You are right, " Mandalorian shot a small grappler from his vambrace. The grappler, normally designed for walls, penetrated Shinobi's nostril and lodged deep in his skull.

A little messy but very effective. "Say hello to your buddies," Mando dragged the dead Shinobi to s pile of corpses belonging to his associates.

"He is well trained!" A shadow belonging to Seta Shinobi rose from the video monitor where the action was unfolding in real-time. "We will be back. Shinobi never give up!"

There was a reason he was called The Heavenly Sword, or the Hitokiri Tenken. Despite being the best swordsman that ever lived on planet Rishi Seta never stopped training.

"Killing. That is what we do best. Parenting and women, well that is another story." Mando thought to himself, holstering his weapons and cleaning off the blood. He knocked on the back door.

"Ok, Omera it's safe. Bring out the kids although this view may not be suitable for their taste".

"Oh, I do not care," said Winta."I have seen dead bodies before. "They are just ... dead."

"We have to leave now!" Mando got everyone on board of Razor Crest and gunned the engines. They zoomed into the hyperspace but there was at least one pair of eyes that watched them lift-off. "Fly away, little fly! We will find you wherever you go!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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