The bad boy's rich girl

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The bad boy's rich girl (1)

Picture to the side is Clayton.

Eva's POV:

"Hey Eva!" Someone said to me.

"Hi." I replied

"I love your new shoes." Someone else called after me.

My new shoes? I was wearing a pair of old beaten up converse.



"Totes adorable bag, where'd you get it?"

"Umm, Sears?"

I was used to being harassed by the girls of this school. Most of them are fake and want my attention because I was the daughter of the richest people in the world.

The advantage of the situation is I don't get bullied. The dis-advantage? They won't go away.

I pulled my hobo bag over my shoulders and walked the flight of stairs.

"Shouldn't you take the elevator, Your royal highness." A deep voice asked me.

I looked up at Clayton Hunter.

"Because, you're the most important girl in the world and you deserve special treatment." I could literally hear the venom wrapped viciously around his sarcastic words.

His chocolate brown eyes bore into my green ones. "I don't think I'm the most important girl in the world."

"Yeah, and I don't think my dad is a bastard." He muttered.

"Okay. Just because you think you know me, doesn't mean you do. I'm not some snobby rich kid who gets everything she wants. You came up to me, not the other way around. I don't know what your problem is but no one comes up to a stranger and tries to bring down their mood." I bit back getting aggravated.

He rolled his eyes. "I didn't just come up to you to 'bring down your mood' I came to tell you that your left boob is hanging out of your shirt."


I looked down and surely enough it was. The one day I can't find a bra and half my boob is out of my shirt like the girl in 'New Girl' when she had her boob in her food.

I could feel my cheeks tinting with the bright red color they always do.

I zipped up my jacket and looked down at the floor in embarrassment until
he let out a deep chuckle. "Well, it was nice meeting you...and your boob, but I've got to go."

What just happened?
I sat down with my Chipotle and Starbucks.

I had gotten a chicken and steak salad bowl with rice, diced tomatoes, beans, corn, cheese, sour cream, etc. From Chipotle, then I went to Starbucks and got a Caramel Frappucino.

"Hey chica." My best friend Alex said with a mouthful of pizza.

"Ew, that's nasty." I groaned tasting the throw up that was rising in my throat.

She chuckled "Mhmm.. Okay. So today, I'm going over my grandmas, and tomorrow I'm going skating with my cousins... Thursday..Oh! We can go to the haunted house on Thursday!" She counted off her fingers.

I started picking at my leftover Chipotle. I leaned and grabbed a slice of pizza out of her box. I could feel her intense glare.

"Take my food one more time, bitch." She snapped.

I started silently laughing so hard nothing would come out.

"You've got a whole box." I reasoned.

"And you've got all the money in the world, get your lazy ass up and get it yourself. What this look like? A take and go? Fine just take my damn food. Go ahead. Take it."

"Don't mind if I do!" I reached over for another slice.

"AHHHHH!" I pulled my hand back and rubbed it.

She bit me. "Wild animal!" I screamed.

She raised one eyebrow in amusement and took a bite out of her pizza watching me.
I drove down the creepy road in the projects. Busted windows; chipped buildings.

I came across a fight where Hispanics, Caucasians, Latinos, African Americana, Asians, Koreans, and Mexicans were. There wasn't any race that wasn't huddled up there. I just can't believe--

Wtf? I stepped on the pedal, but my car wasn't driving. I forcefully slammed my foot on the gas pedal repeatedly.

I pulled out my iPhone and held down the home button, getting siri.
"Siri, remind me to get some gas."

"Here's your reminder, shall I create it?"
"I've added it."

I put my phone away, and sat my head back against the car seat and groaned.

I took my keys out of the car and put them in my purse. I unlocked the door and got out of my Audi slamming it for special effect.

A few heads turned my way, scary men with mischievous grins.

"Hey, can I get some help over here?" I called out to the people watching the fight. Now everyone was looking at me.

Three men came towards me pounding their fists into their palms. Hey! One of them looked like Carrot Top!!

"Eva?" A deep voice I recognized called out. I looked over at the direction the voice was coming from. It was from the winner of the fight "Boy?" I replied.

He rolled his eyes and walked my way "What are you doing here?" He asked drenched in sweat with blood, cuts, and bruises.

"I was on my way home."

"Your house isn't over here..."

"I was taking a shortcut, I didn't have much gas...I decided I could try and see if I could make it."

"Oh." He said turning around.

"Oh?" I stepped in front of him.

"Do you want a ride home?" He asked annoyed.

"Yes please." I skipped towards the only car that was there and figured it was his.

"No." he said.


"That's not mine, this is mine." He pointed to a motorcycle.

I groaned.

"What are we going to do with my car?" I questioned.

"Call someone to come over here and fill it up, I don't know."

"Alright." I got up on his motorcycle and grabbed a helmet.

"So what's your name?"

"Clayton." He replied dryly

"Clayton..." I pried, looking for a last name.



"Hold on tight."

"To what?"

"My waist, idiot."

And right when I did that, we sped off.

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