nineteen| first day

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1 month later

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1 month later...

"Aria! Nina!" Yelled a voice through the girls' closed door with repeated knocking. "You two are going to be late for your first day of school if you don't get your butts up!"

Aria and Nina had slept through their alarm clocks, which was the first for Aria to ever do something like that.

Aria woke with a jolt when she heard Pepper's sweet voice yell out their names. She sat up, rubbed her tired eyes, but when she didn't immediately answer back, Pepper took it upon herself to barge through the door, looking at Aria first then at Nina who was still asleep with drool coming out of her mouth.

"Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do with your sister," Pepper said, sighing and shaking her head.

Over the month, the two twins had gotten to know Pepper and had become very fond of her. She had stayed with them most of the time at the tower and they came to realize that Pepper treated them as if they were her own children, which made them at a lost for words because they hadn't had a motherly figure in so long and it made their hearts swell with the love Pepper had given them.

As for Pepper, she couldn't help but fall in love with the two of them when Tony first introduced them to her. This had brought a bright smile to Tony's face when seeing them get along so well and in his eyes, he saw a family that he grew to adore and cared endlessly about.

But Pepper wasn't the only person the twins had grown close too. During the long month, training was still essential for Aria and Nina, so they trained at the compound with the newer members.

The two of them had gotten quite close with Wanda making them an inseparable trio whenever they saw each other. Wanda also taught them a few tricks they could do with their telekinesis powers that would most likely help them later on.

Nina took a great liking to Sam and they became the jokester duo against Steve every chance they got, from pulling pranks or teasing him and then falling to the ground from laughter.

Aria and Vision always seemed to get into long talks about things that would appear boring to others, but Aria liked learning Vision's views so the talks never bothered her.

Rhodey actually became like the 'fun relative' to the twins because throughout the month, they would see him here and there at their trainings and then see him all the time at the tower where he visited. Pepper, Rhodey, Aria, and Nina always seemed to also make fun of Tony whenever they got the chance.

All in all though, the team got along great with one another.

"Nina, come on now, you gotta get going!" Pepper said, pulling the sheets off of the sleeping teen. Nina gave an irritated groan before finally waking up with a yawn.

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