fragile wings- chp2: surprise surprise

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CHAPTER 2 - surprise surprise

I stirred slightly on the bed, letting my long black hair flop to the other side of my face as i turned. I heard my soft warm breath quicken as i started to wake.

“Wake up! If you weren’t as soundless as a mouse in your sleep, i would have woken you up as soon as i saw you!” her voice nattered, she had a clear springy voice, that popped out of nowhere then suddenly disappeared again.

I woke; my consciousness finally opening my body and brain to its sense, letting the noises enter my ears and the smells; my nose. The feeling cam e back to my fingers as i stroked the soft sheets with the tips of my nails...


“sweet mother of Joseph!” i sprang up like a jack in the box, my mind buzzed and fizzed and the clockworks in there started to tick again. my eyes springing open; wide and fearful like a little dears, all shocked and stunned. I looked round, letting myself soak in the surrounding: I was on a bed, to be precise; a king sized double bed, white mountains fluffed up around me, peering over the white peaks i saw the rest of the room.

It was a white simple room, the chairs soft and welcoming, the curt little shelf burdened with old books that no-one had ever bothered to read, all in all, the simple room was... well, simple. It had no feeling of existence, no warming and homey feel, just the emptiness of an unused room, a slight haunting feeling the made you shiver like the invisible dust that had lain a thick layer on the lonely room had dropped itself on you. No character, no feeling, no marks, no scars, no memories. Just an empty room, me the only life in it.

“HEllllooo? Any one live in there? I don’t want another nut case to look after.” I started again, my whole body making a little jump in the air with her voice. Well... maybe i wasn’t the only life in this room... although she did have a strange aura about her... in fact all the people here seemed to have a strange aura...

 “My dear. dear. Dear.” She tutted, her greying mousy brown hair falling forward un-tucking itself out the pined back bun with the shake of her head. She had a fine small pointed nose and beady near black eyes.  Her strong defined jaw clashed with her bird boned body. She saw my puzzled looked and sighed; “Miss Maybell at your service, you’re sick and i am the nurse so shut up and lie peacefully.”

“Ummm... what happened?” i asked hopefully, ignoring her order of ‘shut up’.

“Well.” She started, applying it was a long story that she didn’t want to tell; a slight resistance to her voice. “You had an asthma attack.” Well i got that. But what i really wanted to here was the names of my saviours; the tempered boy and sweet cold girl. Their characters confused me to the up most. But with sleep came the silly dizziness that drowned my brain and stole the names of them. In other words; i forgot them.

“thank you. I am sorry for bothering you, but i really must get to reception, they don’t i am here yet.” Words tumbled over words as they scrambled to get out my mouth. I swung my legs off the edge of the bed, feeling secure as soon as my feet hit solid ground.

But of course feeling secure and being secure were too very different things, as i tumbled lopsidedly to the left; nearly crashing into the white lamp, but she caught me in time. She looked about in her late 40s or early 50s at that. Kind wrinkles covered her face, even though her words were bitter you could tell she was sweet. However i am sure that if you said that i would get a beating from her bitter side. I had a feeling that she was touchy about how people saw her; and one thing she didn’t want was people thinking her a sweet old lady; for some reason i still think she believed herself the 18 year old she was, and that her wrinkles and old body hadn’t quite caught up yet with her mind.

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