Fragile wings- chp4: tick tock

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CHAPTER 4- tick tock

I felt the weight of a heavy breath beat against my cheek. In out. In. Out.

Something brushed against my leg, I slipped it back in the sheet, burring myself a deeper hole.

My heart beat hammered, the old grandfather clock ticked louder. A strangled noise came from my throat at the same time a tear slipped down my cheek, hitting the corner of my mouth, letting me taste the salty bitterness of my own fear.

Tick. A rustle of cloth. In.

Tock. It stopped. Out.

Tick. Something cold pressed against my temple. in.

Tock. The pressure eased. Out.

Tick. ‘sweet dreams.’ A husky voice shook, a shudder leaping through my body. In.

Tock. Silence. Out.

And with that, the rest of the night i heard nothing. Nothing but the sound of my own fearful breaths...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2010 ⏰

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