Chapter 16 - Callie, Interrogated

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At first, Grant and I were going to wait outside the waiting room, just standing. But some officers who were passing in front of us threw an agonizing look at us, especially because yesterday Grant was spending a short time in jail. Grant couldn't take it anymore that he decided to go inside. I bet his record was clean before, but one little fury stained it. I knew he didn't mean to hurt Roman-he was just too dedicated to my uncle and his family.

After a while, Detective Banks finally came back. Today was a busy day for him but he didn't look tired all. I saw an excitement of investigating this case in his eyes, even though it didn't reflect much in his attitude. One thing that still bothered me about him-he needed a fashion consultant. Those unmatched suit and tie would make you cringe. If Lucy saw him, she might hurt her eyes right away.

I stared at the way he came from, but my uncle wasn't there behind him. "I thought you're going to release him after what I said before?" I said after he entered the waiting room.

"One witness' statement is not strong enough to affect the investigation," he replied.

"So is one gun!" I squirted. I realized that I wasn't supposed to know anything about a murder weapon being found, but Detective Banks thought that Grant had already told me about it. I caught a glimpse of Grant's face, and he was either surprised or pissed because he knew that Roman was the one who told me.

Detective Banks exhaled. "I'm sorry, Miss Mercer. I know that you want to clear your uncle from all the charges-if he is charged-but we have procedure. And this is going to be a long one if any of the people related don't cooperate with us."

I frowned. "What should I do?"

"Why don't we take your statements for the official record and see if it can help with the case?" He asked.

I looked at Grant. He didn't react much, but I knew he was hesitated about an interrogation. I was too, actually. But if it could help my uncle, why not?

In the end, Grant agreed. They put us in different room to see if our story checked out one to another-if we were actually telling the truth.

The room where I was put in was a small room with two windows side by side. The blinds were opened so the sunlight could enter this room that was located on the edge of the narrow corridor.

I stared at the two-way mirror across the room. Even though I only saw my reflection sitting with my hands on the table, I knew people who passed by that corridor could see me inside the room.

When I was waiting, I checked my phone. I frowned a bit when I saw there was no messages. Maybe I was hoping too much that Chad would text me something after our silent eye-to-eye moment earlier. I knew he was upset. What I didn't know was the person he was upset at-was it me or my uncle?

The door was opened and my nervousness came back. Detective Banks came in alone. This meant Grant was interviewed by other detective.

"What do you want to know?" I asked after he closed the door. My right hand grabbed my left hand tightly. I told myself I shouldn't be nervous because this man wasn't my uncle who, apparently, was much scarier in questioning people.

"Let's start with the hospital," he replied as he sat in front of me. He put what it seemed to be a case folder on the table.

I nodded. This was an official interrogation, very much different than the one he did at his house. I started talking and I found my voice became hoarse, so I cleared my throat and restarted.

"I am allergic to peanut. The night before, I was collapsed, and was taken to the hospital," I said. "I knew he stayed overnight because the next morning, he still wore the same suit as the day before."

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