Chapter 1- Nice to meet you

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     It was  Wednesday morning and Louis Tomlinson was getting ready for a photo shoot with a new client. He took one last sip of his coffee before putting his mug in the sink and heading out the door to his studio.

     Louis arrived at his studio right on time and was able to finish setting up his equipment just as he heard the front door open. He walked out of the back room to the front of his studio to see a tall light skinned male with short hair to his ears and the most beautiful green eyes ever. Louis lost his breath looking at this man but could not take his eyes off of him. After a few seconds,that seemed like a few years,he realized what he was doing and looked away.
"Hi! How can I help you sir?"
The green eyed man smiled "I'm Harry Styles"
Louis searched his name in his computer and saw an appointment for 11:30 under his name and clicked it
"Yep, here you are Harry styles 11:30" Louis turns off his computer and gestures for Harry to follow him.

     Louis and Harry enter a room with lights and cameras all over the place, backdrops on every wall, and a small closet with four different clothing racks on them.
"Ok Harry so I'm going to have you stand in front of the white backdrop for the first half of the shoot and the gray one for the second half. I will chose one of your outfits from our clothing racks and I will let you chose one or keep what your wearing now." Louis made sure not to look at Harry as he knew he wouldn't be able to look away.
"Sounds good to me." Was all Harry was able to say without stumbling on his words. He couldn't help but look at the boy who was much shorter than him, he had short brown hair around the same color as Harry's, light skin and sea blue eyes. He was the most beautiful person Harry had ever seen.

     Louis chose a plain white t-shirt and some black ripped skinny jeans for Harry to wear during the first half of the shoot, he stood him up against the white background and started taking photos. Later during the shoot Louis stoped taking photos and let Harry choose an outfit. After a minute of looking Harry decided he didn't want to wear anything Louis had
"Do I have to pick from the clothing rack?"
Louis shook his head "No you don't you can wear what you have now or just pick what ever." He replied.

     Louis turned around and looked at Harry, who was now sitting on the floor in front of the gray backdrop wearing the black skinnies Louis chose for him and had no shirt on.
"Wow" Louis said at what he hoped was a level Harry couldn't hear but then he heard Harry' giggle.
"Like what you see?"
Louis shook his head and realized Harry heard him
"You know your kind of adorable Louis."
Louis smiled a bright smile
"Thank you Harold but I'm not gay."
"Well ok but that doesn't mean your not straight."
Louis laughed and walked closer to Harry
"Listen Styles I am not, and never will be, into men."
Louis kept a straight face in front of Harry but as soon as he turned around he couldn't help but smile.

    About an hour later the shoot was over and louis has Harry get back into his cloths while he went through the pictures. Suddenly he felt someone hovering behind him, he felt their breath on his back and he felt lips on his ear lobe as they whispered something almost inaudible. Louis knee it was Harry,who else would it be?
"Those pictures are beautiful, but not near as beautiful as you."
Louis' eyes widened and he stepped away from Harry.
"Harry I told you already. I don't like men! You know what I think the shoot should end here. The pictures will be ready on Friday and I'll email them to your manager, and he has already paid me so you can go." Louis turned away from Harry walked to the front desk to sit down at his computer, and Harry followed.
"I'll go but we will see each other again. I have a feeling." Harry smiled at Louis and walked out of the studio.

HI GUYS! Thnak you all so so so much for reading the first chapter of 'you make me strong' I really really appreciate all the love and support!!!!! Please comment and vote!! Also the picture at the top is what I think one of the pictures of Harry would look like!!
XoXo -A

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