Chapter 1

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-Okay. Focus. How are you going to-

-I can't always-



She has to know. She has to. But she doesn't want too. How many skulls at the bottom of the lake? She has to know. She jumps.

She picks up a skull and swims back to the top. There are double the amount of last time. She's terrified.

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. I'm going to be stuck here again. I can't. I can't. I can't. I won't be able to do it this time.


-Focus. What does it want? Why are you here? Who brought you here?

Most importantly, how are you going to-

-Oh God I can't-



Twelve minutes. She's taking too long. She has to get to the garden quicker. She has to know what it says.

She gets the shovel and digs. Twenty minutes. It'll be here soon. Dig faster! Dig faster! She wants it to be over. Four minutes. It's almost here. At the bottom two words. Welcome Home

Too late. It's here.

It's hand is on her shoulder. And -Oh God. Oh God. It found me- "I'm terrified of this place. I hate it. It makes me too vulnerable." It stops coming. She runs. Cause that's all she knows how to do.


-Focus. Think about it hard. How are you going to-

-Clara stop this I can't always-



She's at the top. The stars are different again. So different. Too different. She has to get out her friends need her.

But how?

Because -Oh God. I'm gonna spend eternity here again!- she doesn't know.


-Think about how to-

-I don't know how I can-



She breaks through the Azbantium again. But it takes too long her friends will be dead. She takes too long and they're gonna pay for it. And-


-You got out. You-

-Oh God. Oh God. Did I-


She's on the plane. It hasn't crashed yet. There's still time. She can save them!

She gets them all out. But how


-How are you going to-

-How do I-



She finishes it, in the end. She gets the last laugh except


-Think Doctor. You've been still for too long it's caught up to you so how do you-

-It's coming. Oh God it's so close. I stayed still for too long. Oh God it's going to get me so how can I-


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