Chapter 2-

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A/N: thanks so much for reading. Could we get a few votes 😬😝I hope to do updates as much as possible so I don't know for sure when the next update will be.
After falling to the ground from knocking into the tree. I felt dizzy and in a lot of pain. A shock ran down my spine and made me jump a little when I remembered the smell of chocolate and sweet confectionery. Then I heard the footsteps coming closer and closer until I could practically see the figure. I didn't want to stick around to find out who or what it was so I just bolted in the direction of the highway.

My mother told me to never turn around because that's when you regret and end up in corners. It doesn't really make sense. Then again the thought of my mum made my eyes go red and a tear slipped out and flew off of my face. And glistened in the wind.

Mystery POV:

I was roaming around in the woods near the city in search for rogues with my beta Scott. There had been rumours that a lone rouge was passing through and apparently its strength and speed was amazing. This is a threat to my father's pack but there was no lone rouge that I couldn't take down. I thought it would be easy to take so, that's why I only bought Scott. I was the alphas son. Once I turned 18 my father's reign would be passed down to me. I am 17 now and I turn 18 in a couple of days. I have not found my mate.

I smelt it before I saw it. The smell of roses. It filled my nose. All these emotions filling my head. I saw a figure running. The smell was penetrating my nose. I had to follow it. "What was that figure and I couldn't pick up a scent "Scott asked me with a little fear and concern in his voice.

"I smelt it but i need to know who this person is." I said with haste. I guess my alphas blood allowed me to have a stronger sense of smell.

We chased after the smell until we reached the highway. My wolf Crash was going crazy and I didn't know why so I just ignored him. He has always been an annoying wolf that takes over me easily. I have almost learnt how to keep him under control but he is still a pest at times.

Accalia's POV:

I wasn't going to give in. I kept on running. Thankfully I was faster than the person approaching me. Though this figure was extremely fast an almost as fast as me. He must've lost my scent at the highway. The rubbish on the ground was revolting. No wonder he lost me there. I smirked to myself.

"At least I will have protection and know people where I am going" I said to rose. "Why are we thinking about this when we could be thinking about that person? Didn't you smell him he was like a drug? "Rose said while acting like a little puppy." I guess but let's focus we need to find the twins" I said silencing her.

I removed the thought of the figure out of my head and tried to remember George an Elliot's mobile numbers.

George, Elliot and I were born in the same pack. They are both one year older than me, so really they treat me like their little sister. They are identical twins but have two totally different motives.

George is amazingly smart and always makes the strategies. Elliot is amazingly brawny and usually does the plan that George gives him. They are both hot and have a six pack. They both have blonde hair but they have cow-licks that part different ways. That's the easiest way to identify them.

But since they are so stubborn and annoying they like to change their cow-licks so they trick/confuse people.

After my parents were killed we all stayed together for a couple of months to figure out what we'll do and where we would go. Then we just visited a couple times every year. Their parents were also killed by Kurtis.

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