Chapter 3-

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When I saw Elliot answer the door he immediately tackled me. "choo-kk-iin caan-te breehh-the". "Oh sorry Lia “He said with a mischievous smirk. He let go of me and I eventually started breathing again. I was like a crazed whale gasping for air. "Stop calling me Lia!!!" I screamed at him. George and Eliot had always called me 'Lia' but I have always hated the name and always got angry at them when they called me that.

"Come in, Come in" he said pushing me inside. I think I heard George walking up from the basement. The weird creaks when he came up the stairs annoyed my ears.

I loved being around the twins and better they were werewolves like me so they explained more about werewolf kind to me. I love the smell here. Elliot loved his candles and he always bought exotic forest smelling candles to remind him of the wild. I think he missed the forest but I knew that he preferred the city much more.

By the time I had finished smelling the room I saw George at the top of the stairs. "George!!" I screamed at him. It took me only 2 long bounds from my muscly, scruffy, unshaven legs to launch myself off the sofa that I had previously seated myself on to reach him. He screamed with joy "LIA!!!” That was the wrong move.

I scrunched up my face in anger. I landed I front of him and without warning gave him a light slap on the face. "What have I told you about calling me Lia!!!?” I screamed at him which almost made the whole house shake. {That was sarcasm btw}

He immediately clasped his hands on his face. He took his hands away and you could clearly see the bright red hand print on his cheek.

"Come on Accalia that really hurt!!!"He shouted back. I sat down on the floor and cuddled up in a ball making sure he couldn't see my face. I pretended to cry. He was always a sucker when i fake cried.

He immediately regretted shouting at me and leaned down to check if I was ok. "I-I'm sorry Accalia" he quietly whispered to me. I immediately stood up with a massive grin on my face. "No problems".

He looked as if he was about to explode bug his jaw also hung open. "Better close that or you might catch a fly". I giggled and he settled down a bit. I walked over to the sofa and just fell down. The soft sofa moulding to my body. I had not felt comfort like this for a while.

Then George and Elliot came and sat on either side of me. George turned on the TV and it came onto some kids show. I didn't mind I just loved being near my best friends. "I missed you guys so much" I said. Without meaning to sadness infected my voice.

They both looked at me and as I they were a mirror image they both put their arms around me. They were the only people in the entire world who I could trust. Sometimes a stubborn, annoying, wild girl like me just needs a hug. I shut my eyes. The warmth surrounding my body could make me fall asleep. "Ewe" George and Elliot said at the same time.

"What" I looked at them with total confusion in my eyes. I didn't know what they were going to say. Did I smell? "Go take a shower “Elliot muttered while holding his nose. "It smells like you went swimming in a dump “George said while holding his nose As well.

"Oh, that must've happened when I was running away form that figure" I muttered to myself. "WHAT???"The twins yelled at the same time. "Um... can I explain after the shower" they looked at each other and then with a worried look at me nodded.

I grabbed my carry bag and bought it upstairs to the 2nd level bathroom with me. Wow this place was amazing. I love how every room here has a scented candle in them. I walked into the bathroom locking the door behind me as it made a *Click* sound.

I got undressed and turned the water on. As soon as I felt a jet of cold water on my back I shuddered. The only thing I hated about the forest was the fact that there's no warm water. Then the cold water faded and was replaced with hot water. The glass shower surrounding me clouded up a steam filled the air.

The droplets falling on my skin was beautiful. There was a pattern. I couldn't help but tap on my leg to the rhythm of the water. After about 10 minutes in hot water I got out and dried myself. I gave my legs a quick shave. I didn't want to look like a hairy oaf for the rest of my life. I opened up my bag and pulled out a t-shirt and shorts. The shorts stopped just about an inch from my knee cap. The shirt was a V-neck plain black shirt.

I then gave my hair a quick brush and cut it a bit. It was around my waist. I wasn't a hairdresser but it looked decent. More like a hairdressers first day at work and they left a few ends uneven. I didn't really care what people thought if me. Unless I looked like and oaf of course.

I wasn't your usual everyday teen age girl who is obsessed with boys and showing as much skin as they can. I was more of a tomboy.

I packed up my stuff and headed down stairs. "Hey guys could I stay here for a while. I'll explain later". George gave me a curious look. "Ok you can use the guest room on the 2nd floor." "Thank you guys."

It was then that I noticed Elliot was mauling a little bowl of 2 minute noodles. My stomach grumbled and a small grin force sits way onto my face. I found the room dumped my stuff and ran downstairs. "What have you got George?" He didn't know what I was talking about. "I mean food? What food have you got?"

"Wants some noodles?" "Yes, please" Elliot looked at me then started cuddling and rocking his noodles. "Mine". He stuck his tongue out at me making a few noodles fall out of my mouth. I started laughing hysterically.

"Hey George? Elliot found his mate." he immediately looked up from making my noodles. "What?" I pointed at Elliot who was cuddling his noodles. He started laughing hysterically with me. "Funny..." "But gross" I said finishing off his sentence.

These guys were so funny and no matter what mood I was in they would always make me cheer up. Sometimes they acted like when we were kids again. Immediately after thinking that I regretted it. I wave of grief and sadness covered me like a blanket that you couldn't shake off.

George brought my noodles over and we all then say at the table. It was a nice pine table that had been lacquered and felt beautiful under my skin. "So would you mind telling me why happened on the highway?" Elliot asked me as he finished off his noodles. I looked down at my hot steaming noodles.

"We'll I had just woke up and I went for a run until I smelt something. Then I realised two figures were following me. I ran until I reached the highway. I was faster than them but one of the guys were really fast as in almost as fast as me." "Alphas blood” I heard George mutter to Elliot. Elliot just gave a small nod.

The thought of a person who pursued me had alphas blood scared me. I didn't really want to tell them what the guy smelt like because it probably doesn't mean anything.

After a short awkward silence I kept on talking. "Then I ran along the highway to the city. There was so much garbage on the ground that it would've been impossible for the figure to have followed me here. That why I smelt like rubbish before."

"Were you in anyone’s territory? “George asked. "The closest pack was at least a 20 minute 'walk' from where I was."

"There has been a rumour going around that there is a powerful and very fast rouge going around “Elliot put in.

"I guess that's you Accalia. Wait has anyone hurt you." Here we go again. They act like my two older brothers. They are so protective at times. It annoys me a lot. 

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