How can I love the heartbreak

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Nayeon POV

After a few months after that incident, me and Jeongyeon grew apart. It's like we don't know each other at all. And, I hate this feeling. It feels like i lost a part of my soul. Do I still in love with him?

"Unnie, are you alright?" Jihyo asked me. "I-I don't know" I answered blankly. "Unnie, the only thing I can say is just be true to your feelings. Don't hide it. I know, a part of you still hate Jeongyeon oppa for leaving us for the past three years but you need to know that you're behind the reason he left. I know that you still love him, I can see it through your eyes" Jihyo told me.

"Jihyo ah, I'm not even sure who do I love now. I love Jinyoung because he's always there for me but Jeongyeon, he doesn't do anything but my heart keeps on beating rapidly" I told Jihyo about it and she just sighed. "Unnie, see? You still love him as who he is and you love Jinyoung oppa just for his presence." Jihyo told me and I just cried on her.

Jihyo POV

Nayeon unnie suddenly cried on me. After a few minutes, the sobbing stopped and I know she's sleeping. I then felt hot on my shoulder. Shoot she got a fever. I then called Jeongyeon oppa to come over and take care of her. After 15 minutes, he arrived with some food and medicines.

"How did she got a fever?" He asked me with a concern face and that worry tone in him. How could both of you still blind when you guys still love each other? "She cried to me just now" I answered Oppa blankly and asked me the reason why she cried. There's no way I would tell him that he's the reason why unnie is crying.

Jeongyeon POV

Haish, this girl always make me worry. Then I heard her mumbled something. Jeong, don't leave me, I still love you, don't leave. DONT LEAVE! She then woke up and I just hugged her tight. I'm gonna miss this warm embrace. It feels like I'm home for the last time. I'm sorry Nayeon . "Jeong , wh-what are you doing here?" she asked me confusedly. "I won't let my favourite person sick just like that" I told her. She continued to hug me. I just let her be. Maybe she really need me now.

I heard my phone ringing and saw Naeun called me.
(NE = Naeun. JY= Jeongyeon)
NE: Baby, where are you?
JY: I'm with Nayeon right now. She's sick and i wouldn't let my best friend sick.
NE: Oh, what time you're going home and what do you want to eat? I'll cook for you.
JY: Anything is fine. I'll be back by 10pm.
NE: Okay baby. See you soon. Love you!
JY: Love you too !

Nayeon POV

He's on call with Naeun now, and hearing him called her baby makes me wanna die. Fuck yourself Im Nayeon. Karma is a bitch. "Jeong, I think you can go now. Im gonna be fine." I told him with no expression. "You sure? If then, okay. Anything just call me okay? Love you Nayeon" he said with that sweet smile of his.

Im Nayeon, how could you left a precious guy like him? He has a girlfriend now yet he still choose you. You have a husband but he's not even there for you.

Then , my phone rang and the id caller said Jinyoung. He asked me whether i'm free tonight because he wants to meet me and I told him I'm free and asked me to go to the park near my house. I womder what he wanna say.

Jeongyeon POV

I drove myself to The Promise Place (refer chapter 2). I kept on thinking about Nayeon. How can I say that I still love her? She has someone else and it's impossible she still love me that way. I arrived at the place. It's still the same. The flowers still bloom, the bench where we had our first kiss is there and the tree that we carved our name still there growing. I then play my music on my phone and plugged on my earphone.

I purposefully take a few steps back
I look at you walking without me
There is avoidbeside you
Upon thegray road you look back

(I still remember when we decide to end thing between us and I saw you looking back at me while walking away to the man you love the most, Jinyoung. It kills me inside knowing that your love for me slowly fading while my love is getting higher just for you.)

I knewjust then
That I can't leave you
No matter how many problems we face
It's easier to withstand, than breaking up

(I thought when I left you for 3 years, this feeling will be gone but unexpectedly, I'm still in love with you hopelessly. In love with someone that I will never have again. I wanna move on but I can't because my heart has belong to you.)

How can I even love the heartbreak
When you're the one I love
I can't give up on us solely because of love
And experience heart wrenching pain

(I can't forget when you said that you're not the one for me. How could you said that when I pushed others away just for you?)

Should I turn back a couple of times
We walk along together upon the desolate road
Conversation lacking substance
We look out into the distance where the light shines

(I realised that I can't unlove you. I still remember our memories where we had our first date, first kiss and more.)

I realized just then
I can no longer move forth
Every step brings me closer to our breakup
Your hand I used to hold seems to vanish

(Before we broke up, I noticed that you being weird and that scares me. Every single step I take to make things right between us makes us closer to our end and when the day come, it does happen. Now, you're hand is not the hand that I'll hold everyday, you're not the one I'm gonna hug and kiss.)

How can I even love the heartbreak
When you're the one I love, hoh
I can't give up on us solely because to love
And experience heart wrenching pain, no woah oh hoh

How could I, to you
Our love so deep as the ocean
Waiting till it runs dry will be our farewell

How could I, to you
Our love so deep as the ocean
Waiting till it runs dry will be our farewell

(How can I love the heartbreak -AKMU)

I didn't realised that it's almost dark . When I was about to walk away, someone pulled me and hugged me tight.

Nayeon POV

I went to the park waiting for Jinyoung. Then I saw him walking towards me. "Nayeon, I don't think I can do this anymore. You're still in love with him and I never felt like I'm yours since he's back," he told me with frustration on his face. I can only stay silent. "Do you think it's easy for me! Loving someone way too hard but you can't even repay my love! The onky thing you had in your mind is Jeongyeon. What did you see in him?" he told me. "Jinyoung, I'm sorry. i hurt you a lot for these past 4 years yet you still stay with me" I can only said that while tears rolled down on my face. "Nayeon, go and chase him.before you lose him. I saw him at your favourite place" he told me and I ran to the place.

I then arrived and saw him, walking away heavily. No. I'm not going to let you go once again. Never and will never be.

I then ran towards him and pulled him into my embrace. "Nayeon?" "I love you, Yoo Jeongyeon" and I kissed him. He responded to the kiss, but it fills with hatred and anger. "You know that I have a girlfriend? And now you're coming back to have me again?" He asked with that broken smile.

"Jeong, I know for the past 4 years I did wrong and now I'm trying to have you back."he then laughed after I said that. "You think my heart is a game for you to play? Come on, you have Jinyoung" after he said that I slapped him hard. "I left him for you. For us. " I told him.

"Nayeon, this gonna be the last time I'll be doing this and I'm gonna let you go for real" he said and kissed her. The kiss was fill with sadness,tears and emotions that can't be explained. And the kiss is more to, goodbye of their love.

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