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Nayeon POV

After 3 months, things changed. Me and Jeongyeon became closer but I feel that he's hiding something from me.

I'm hanging out with Jeongyeon but he's always on his phone. "Jeong, why are you always on your phone?" I said but he still ignoring me. I then took his phone away from me. "YA! Why are you taking my phone?" He asked . "You always on your phone when we're hanging out" I make a pouty face. "Hey, I'm sorry okay? It's just I'm chatting with my old friend" he told me.

I'm still pouting, the next thing I knew is he's hugging me tight. Don't ever let me go.

Jeongyeon POV

I'm sorry Nayeon but after this I'm gonna let you go. "Nayeon, let's go to the Han river" I told her and she agreed.

I then drove us to Han river. I saw her sleeping at the passenger side beside me. After tonight, you're not gonna be mine. I'm sorry Nayeon. I love you. I really do. "Nayeon ah, wake up" I wake her up she then yawned. You're a precious human yet I don't choose you. Maybe in our next life we will be together.

"Nayeon. I wanna say something but please, please hear me out, don't freak out and don't leave me," I told her and she looked at me confusedly. You can do this Jeongyeon.

"Nayeon, I've loved you for the past 6 years and still until now. I never wanna leave you since we were little . I never thought I'm gonna fall for my own bestfriends. But you know from the start when we started dating, all I want to be with for my whole life time is you and always you. But when things started to fall apart, I'm lost . I'm lost when you're still there with me , holding my hands but I'm still lost in a maze and seems that I can't find my way out. There, came Naeun to guide me and I'm not lost anymore, but I'm still confused, it's either you or Naeun i love . But when you end things with me, I'm dead outside and inside. I was devastated when you left me here all alone . Naeun came and saved me once again. I thought when I'm falling, you're the one who's gonna catch me but it's Naeun who's catching me. When I left for America, Naeun followed me and take care of me there for a while and came back to Korea. Now that I'm back for good to tell you that, Im Nayeon, I love you and

I'm gonna let you go" I held back my tears and she looked at me with tears rolled down her cheeks. I wanna hug her and tell her everything's gonna be alright but I can't. Things will never go back that way because though I love Nayeon more than Naeun, I know I'm not gonna be lost with Naeun.

"Jeong, why? You promised that you will never leave me but why? WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?" she shouted and went down on her knees. I bend spdown and hug her for the last time and I don't wanna let go but I've got to. "Nayeon, please. This is hard for us, I'm hurting too but you deserve better, I'm just a jerk" I told her.

"YES YOU ARE! YOU'RE HURTING US! WE BOTH ARE SO IN LOVE BUT WHY?"she said. I kissed her for a long time I don't wanna let go of your lips but there's nothing I can do now. "There's no point of holding on. I'm giving up for our relationship but not our love. I know you're confused right now but, I'm gonna love you till the end of my life though I'm married with Naeun," I said and she fainted.

I brought her to Twice House and all of the member are there. I went upstairs and tucked her to sleep and went downstairs to meet the members.

"Hyung, you did a great job," Momo said with a smile. "Janggo, it's been a rough 6 years for you but you keep holding on to your love towards her. I'm proud of you. You went through a lot and we're proud of you," Jihyo smiled. "It's time to let go of her, and find the missing piece of my life. Nayeon always be my piece of puzzle that I've been looking for but maybe for our next life," I told them while crying.

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