Happy Ending (Final!)

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3 years later ~~~~~

Jeongyeon POV

"Seojun ah, where are you?" I shouted. "Appa, ehehe" he looked so dirty with water color on his face. Haish this kid. "Seojun, you really look like your mom , you small bunny" I said and he gave me a big grin on his face.

"I heard you , babe" my wife said. "Hey, Nayeon. He really looks like you when you were small" I said and earned a slap on my arms. "And he got this naughty attitude like his father" Nayeon said. I the give her a peck on her lips. I then look at Seojun. "Appa, kiss" he said. He's adorable kid. I gave him a peck on his lips. I then bathe him and get ready.

I stopped at flower shop to buy some flowers. After that, three of us went to the cemetry. "Appa, why are we here?" Seojun asked me and I gave him a smile.

Son Naeun
10 Feb 1994- 11 Jan 2025

"Appa who is this person?" He asked me. "She's a great person , Seojun ah. When eomma left me alone, she's there for me. I married her before eomma. I still love her but I love your eomma more. Seojun, I really want you to meet her because she wanna see you" I told him and gave him a smile. I then kneeled down.

"Naeun ah, thank you for always be there for me. I still can't forget the day where we first kissed. The day I see an angel walking on the aisle, walking towards me and be mine. I thought we're gonna be together forever but God loves you more. Be happy with Kai up there, he loves you more than anything but he don't have the courage to tell you. He loved you to death Naeun ah. I miss you so much and I still love you. Thank you for being my strength until now. Goodbye Naeun ah, take care up there" I said and tears rolled down my cheeks.

I stand up and bring them home. It's already night and Seojun already asleep. I sit at the balcony looking at the stars. "Seobang?" Nayeon called me out. I looked up to her and god, she's a goddess. "I still can't believe it's already been 3 years she left me" I told Nayeon.

"She still love you Jeong. I can see it. The last time before she left us, her eyes is still full of love. Trust me, she won't be happy seeing you in this state" Nayeon said. "I know but I just can't believe it. She's hurting alot and I'm one of the reason" I said.

Flashback ~~~

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I said calmly while Naeun laying down on the hospital bed weakly. "I don't wanna worry you. But please babe, be happy. It's time for you be with Nayeon" she said weakly. "Still! You should tell me. You're my wife. Naeun please, don't leave me" I plead her while crying hard. "Jeong I'm tired. I'm gonna sleep" she said to me . "NO! NO NAEUN PLEASE" I shouted and the nurses pushed me out . I went down on my knees and cried and Nayeon comforted me.

The doctor come out from the emergency room. "Mr. Yoo, I'm sorry, we tried our best to save her," the doctor said. I went down on my knees once again and feel my world crumbled apart.

Name: Yoo Naeun
Reason of death : Cancer stage 4
Time of death : 1:11 a.m.

I then went in the room. I saw an angel laying on the bed lifelessly. Looking pale, the heart rate stopped. She had that smile on her face. Pure smile that I'll never see anymore. "Why did you leave me when I'm about to love you? We promised together and now you're leaving me" I broke down.

End of flashback~~~
Nayeon POV

"Babe, let's just look onto our future okay?" I said and sing him a song.

I see you reflected in today's sunlight
You are crazily radiant
You plant the sun in my heart
Let's you and I be together today

Will you be by my side, by my side
Can I hold your hand? Don't be shy
Today we come together
Today you are especially lovely to me
Tonight is our Just one chance
Can I hug you? Don't be afraid
Today we come together

Let me hold your hand
Atop this blue ocean, look at me baby
Hug me now lady you drive me crazy
With the cool breeze, the two of us
Let me hold your hand
Embrace me atop this blue ocean
Embrace me now
With the cool breeze, the two of us

It might have been the bright sun
My face turned red probably
It might have been just a feeling
I saw you blush too
I'm getting drunk on a good feeling today
Neither of us even touched alcohol
Can I softly hold your hand
If you're ok,
Can I go for it? Baby
Let me hold your hand

Will you be by my side, by my side
Can I hold your hand? Don't be shy
Today we come together
Today you are especially lovely to me
Tonight is our Just one chance
Can I hug you? Don't be afraid
Today we come together

Let me hold your hand
Atop this blue ocean, look at me baby
Hug me now lady you drive me crazy
With the cool breeze, the two of us
Let me hold your hand
Embrace me atop this blue ocean
Embrace me now
With the cool breeze, the two of us

Will you hold my hand baby
Hold my hand wherever you go, please don't let go
I will cherish you baby
I will make memories everyday
Will you believe me now
Don't listen to what other people say,
Will you for me?
I follow your heart
So girl just let me hold your hand

Atop this blue ocean, look at me baby
Hug me now lady you drive me crazy
With the cool breeze, the two of us
Let me hold your hand
Embrace me atop this blue ocean
Embrace me now
With the cool breeze, the two of us

Oh let me hold your hand
Atop this blue ocean, look at me baby
Hug me now lady you drive me crazy
With the cool breeze, the two of us
Let me hold your hand
Embrace me atop this blue ocean
Embrace me now
With the cool breeze, the two of us

He looked at me with a smile. "Jeong, I love you" I said but he didn't replied with words. Instead, he replied with a kiss and I know, he loves me too and

we are destiny.

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