Coming back

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6 years of foot worshipping later, you come back to the real world. Only a couple of minutes have passed in the real world. Angel is there too, lying in the floor. They look different, they look fatter. They're... pergant?! from feet worshipping???!!!? Apparently having your feet being sucked can get you pageant, and after 6 years of it, Angel immediately started giving birth once time began again. You decided to grow wings and fly to a hospital, carrying Angel. They gave birth to triplets that day. The first one was born with a fursuit on and they came out as a transbian. They later suffocated inside the fursuit and you dumped the body in a lake. The second one had giant feet and giant ears. They lived on to become a cocaine addict and they skydived without a parachute after getting divorced. The last one became a prostitute and also batman.

The End.

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