Chapter 12: Guess Who Just Showed Up

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I slept all the way back to the house. Niall actually carried me to the house that's how out  cold I was. When I finally woke up, Zayn and Anna were playing cards, Rebecca was reading and Louis and Harry were laughing. I heard Harry and Louis talking to each other. I listened closely.

"When do you think she'll wake up?" Louis asked.

"I don't know. She's been out for about three hours," Harry commented.

"Do you think she's dead?" Louis joked.

"I don't know. Let me check." I felt someone poke my cheek. Louis laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. Harry laughed louder. I was starting to get worried. "What did you do?" They both started to crack up. In a second they were on the floor, laughing their butts off. I rushed to the bathroom and quickly looked in the mirror. I was going to kill them. They wrote all over my face. I couldn't read what they wrote, but I had a feeling it was bad. I stormed out of the room to get a washcloth. On the way out I ran into Niall. As soon as he saw my face, he busted out laughing.

"What's up with your face?" he laughed.

"Lou and Harry," I grumbled, pushing past him. Just before I got to my room, I turned around and went back to the room where Harry and Louis were. They were still laughing pretty hard. I went up to Louis and smacked him. I did the same for Harry.

"What was that for?" Louis whined.

"For drawing on my face," I growled.

"But you didn't have to smack us," Harry protested, rubbing his cheek.

"Well you didn't have to draw on my face," I retorted.

"But you needed it," Louis snicked. Harry busted out laughing. I stormed off to my room. I didn't care if he was joking, I was pissed.  I could still hear him laughing as I got to my room. Liam was on my bed, folding my cloths. I gave him a strange look.

"Hey Thaila," he greeted as he looked at my face. He didn't laugh at all. All he did was simple say," you fell asleep in the same room as Louis and Harry didn't you?" I nodded.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as I started to dig through my drawer.

"Just decided to do your laundry," Liam replied. 


"Just thought I'd do something nice for you."

"My lack of organization was killing you wasn't it?"

"Yes. I mean, who puts colors in with blacks?" I laughed as I finally found a washcloth. I went into my bathroom and started to scrub my face. After about an hour of scrubbing my face raw, I decided to give up for a while before my face started to bleed. I went downstairs where everyone was crowded around the couch.

"What's going on?" I asked Niall.

"Mary found a girl on the steps a few minutes ago. She's unconscious but still breathing," he explained.

"What does she look like?" I questioned, suddenly interested.

"Short black hair, pale skin, pretty bony if you ask me." I pushed my way through the crowd, desperate to get to the front. When I finally got to the couch, I almost threw up. There on the couch, was a beaten up Claire.

sorry this chapter was short but i havent posted in a looooong time so i thought you people needed a chapter

I'm In Love, With My Ex Bully Niall Horan? (A Niall Horan Fan Fic)*WATTY AWARDS*Where stories live. Discover now