Chapter 17: Lets Go To Disneyland They Said, It'll Be Fun They Said

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I stared at Harry in bewilderment. He wanted to go out with me? Its not that I'm surprised since I'm pretty sexy, but he could've chosen any other girl in the X Factor. Or in England. Or in the entire world. 

"I-I gue-" 

"Sorry! She's taken!" Niall interrupted me. Harry looked down at his feet. 

"Oh. I didn't know," he apologized. "I'm sorry." He walked away with his head hung low. I turned to Niall. 

"What the hell Niall!" I spat at him. 

"I'm only trying to protect you," he explained. 

"Well next time just let me do my own thinking for once!" I've never been so pissed at someone before. Harry was probably the only boy who had the guts to ask me out. When I walked into the house I saw Harry, Zayn and Ed packing backpacks. 

"Hey Thaila," Zayn greeted me. 

"Vas happenin?" I asked him. 

"Vas happenin?" He gave me a questioning look. 

"It's just something I made up," I shrugged. "So where are you lads going? 

"Disneyland," Ed told me. "Wanna come?" 

"I don't know...." I never really wanted to go to Disneyland. Ever since I heard of one kid falling off a roller coaster there I've never been really that into going. 

"Come on! Please? We have two extra tickets," Harry pleaded. It seems he's over Niall's rude rejection. 

"I guess," I sighed. It's the least I could do for him. Then Niall came in. I didn't want to talk to him for a few hours so I decided to go upstairs. 

"Hey Niall. Wanna come to Disneyland?" I heard Ed ask him. Oh gosh. Please say no. 

"Sure." Dammit. Oh brother. This was going to be one interesting trip. 


Apparently we had the day off today, so we headed to Disneyland. It was much bigger than I expected. I couldn't see where it ended. That's a comfort. 

"Lets head to Tomorrowland first," Zayn said. I hadn't realized we were in yet. I was still fretting about the roller coaster thing. 

"But I want to go to Adventureland," Niall whined. 

"Me too," Harry agreed. 

"Fine. Harry, Niall and Thaila go to Adventureland or wherever you want to go. Me and Zayn will meet you guys back here at 10pm. Got it?" Ed said. We nodded. "Then lets go." I had no intention on going with Niall anywhere, since I was still mad at him.  

"Let's go on the log ride!" Harry said. Niall and I didn't protest. We stood in line for about thirty minutes. But it was worth it. The log ride was super fun and wet. For once I actually had fun since I joined X Factor a month ago. After about four hours of rides, Harry had to go to the restroom. I asked him if he could wait, but by the way he was acting I could tell he had to go badly. So we waited by the bathrooms l. There was an awkward silence between me and Niall. 

"Alright, you haven't talked to me all day. What's up?" he asked me. I didn't answer him. "Thaila answer me." 

"I'm mad at you ok?" I replied. 


"You jacked my chance with Harry!" 

"Jacked? You're turning a bit American there Thaila." Nialll laughed. My face turned red. 

"I don't care, " I mumbled. I looked up a Niall. He was at it again; looking adorable. His blu eyes seemed to shine. His soft smile, his blond hair...... I couldn't help myself. I kissed him. I know we've kissed before, but that was on his part. Now it was me who leaned in. I think I was starting to like it when Harry burst out of the bathrooms. 

"Thaila! Help me! I'm bleeding!" he screamed. 

"I bet it's not that-" I stopped. His whole entire hand was covered in blood.

What is this? Another cliffhanga? Hehehehe

I'm In Love, With My Ex Bully Niall Horan? (A Niall Horan Fan Fic)*WATTY AWARDS*Where stories live. Discover now