Chapter 4: The One Gift

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(A/N:. I'm sorry let me address how friggin cute this pic is of them.)

Mark's POV

It's only Thursday and I have a major hangover from last night.  I grab my phone and check the time to see it's 8 AM and everyone left at 6...of course in cabs hangovers are still a condition you shouldn't drive in.  I think...I still gotta go to school though.  Hangover or not.  I need to give Jinyoung this thing.  It's about 7,000.  It's gray and black with a bit of blue and diamonds placed neatly around the rim.  I'm sure he will love this one. 


So the the of my crack head children came to school and BamBam (THANK THE GODS) brought some hangover meds. 

"You hear about Jinyoung dating Nayeon?"
I heard someone whisper as I walked through the hallway. 

"Yeah pour girl is new here and shes gonna be heartbroken once he gets bored of her."

"Right though."
Everyone continued the gossip and I just walked to my locker ignoring it all.  


Lunch finally rolled around and it was finally time to give Jinyoung his Rolex.  I bought it planning it for his birthday but forgot honestly.  I walked up to the table with Yugyeom, and Jeabum (JB)...biggest bullies in the school, well including Jinyoung.  The two shot me glare but smirked as they quickly began to focus on Jinyoung making out with Nayeon. 


I kinda mumbled, but he didn't hear me.  The sight of his tongue entering that wHoReS mouth disgusted me and made me pissed in that i kinda....

I yelled startling the whole table.  When they broke apart all four people shot a glare at me. 

"What do you want you little slut?!?"
Nayeon snapped at me making me just wanna...IDK TAKE A BAT AND HIT A HOME RUN WITH HER HEAD. 

"Shush baby, now, what is it dork?"
Jinyoung pulled Nayeon closer to him and she just smirked at me.  I guess she's heard about me wanting Jinyoung too huh? 

I handed him the small box contaning the expensive item and he quickly handed it back. 

"Dude I told you to stop."
I told my eyes quickly opening the box revealing the 75 thousand dollar brand Rolex watch. 

"It's a brand new Rolex, want it or not?"
His eyes went wide then looked at me. 

"H-how did y-you-?"

"My family I pretty well set I you get it..."
I know it wasn't a good idea to tell him that cause like my past he could just use me for my family's wealth...yeah I'm gullible.  But oh well.  I slap on a smug smile as he just sat there, but before Jinyoung did anything else Nayeon hopped up and grabbed the Rolex from my hands throwing it on the ground and stomping it till it was just pieces. 

"Jinyoung doesn't want it and for a while he's been pushing you away to state HE DOESNT WANT YOU!"
Well I guess she knows about me.  Huh. She yelled making everyone in the cafeteria to stare but Jinyoung just stands up and hits the top of the table. 

"What the hell?!?!?"

"What's wrong?"
She asked innocently turning her body slapping me in the face with her crusty ass hair. 

"I actually kind of wanted that, like what the fuck you dumb braud?!?!"

"J-Jinyoung, I'm sorry it won't happen again."

"No, fuck you we're over!"
Jinyoung walked off and whispered 'Im sorry about this one' as he passed by me and I just smiled a bit.  For once he's sorry...I guess it was only cause it was really expensive. 

"This is all your fault you little white!"
Nayeon says shoving me and I just smirk at her.

"Says the needy slut.  Just find another guy to sleep with cause it looks like he didn't want you that bad huh?"
I smirk and chuckle as she just stomps off.  Good for nothing brat...that's all she is. 

She obviously has A LOT of daddy issues. 


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A/N:  So this is actually the Rolex i was planning to use in the story so yeah but I like changed it completely cause I couldn't remember anything about it  from when I last seen it

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A/N:  So this is actually the Rolex i was planning to use in the story so yeah but I like changed it completely cause I couldn't remember anything about it  from when I last seen it.

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