Chapter Seven: The Ice Cream Shop

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Mark's POV

Three weeks. Three weeks that I've been ignored and avoided by Jinyoung, the first week he never came to school and at this point, I have to put his presents in his locker. The only thing I get from him are glances, about four a day. I guess I've counted well huh? But finally, the same up to me. Not during school but when I was walking through the parking lot on my way home.

"Mark!" I ignored him.

"Mark!" he yelled louder but I still kept walking. But I felt a hand jerk my arm turning me face-to-face with him. His smile was sincere though.

"What do you want?" I ask and he pouts but quickly smiles again.

"I want to take you somewhere." He said and I just scoff and turn around trying to walk quickly. His Hand quickly grabbed mine again. Stopping me in my tracks.



"Because I want to."

"But what if I don't wanna go?"

"I don't care Ill make you."

"How?" And with that, he quickly picked me up bridal style and started to walk to a red Honda.

"Put me down!" I said hitting his chest.

"Then when will you come with me?" He asked with a smirk.

"No," I said and he just giggled.

"Then no." He continued to carry me and then I gave in. It's kind of embarrassing, like what if someone sees?

"Ok fine, let me down!"


"Yes, now please?"

"Ok." He sat me down, but as soon as my feet touched the ground he started to hold my hand.

"Almost there." He said with a big smile. What the hell is wrong with him? I mean yeah we kissed and when I told the others they told me to run and I didn't...maybe I should have? I don't know. When we got to his car he set me on the passenger side and buckled it for me then got in at his side. When he started to drive it was pretty quiet till I tried to flip through radio channels to find Shinee's song 'view' playing on one and I left it there only to hear an annoying comment from the kidnapper himself.

"Shinee actually kind of sucks, sorry."

"Well then what am I supposed to listen to?"

"Here." He said blindly handing me his phone with an app called 'Audiomack' open.


"Flip through the downloaded songs I'm sure you will find something you like." I roll my eyes and started to look through his playlist.

"Big Bang, Jun. K, Jimin Park, G Dragon, gosh you have a lot of people on here." I said continuing to scroll, but then I stopped to find one of the newer artists I love. Their music is simple and detailed.

"Mayji!" I yelled seeing that he downloaded her whole ass album, I didn't think he would like her music, it's simple yet detailed.

"You like her too?" His voice showed excitement and all I could do was smile.

"Yeah, I found her on youtube and couldn't get over her tracklist." He quickly glanced at me but went back spanking a bit.

"I can't wait for something new from her, it's kind of sad she only has one album." I nodded my head in argument. She's a newer artist and doesn't have much recognition since her music doesn't have any lyrics but it's still good.

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