Chapter 17: Avoiding Me

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Jinyoung's POV

~trip day 1~

Finally it's the summer break from school. Which means our group trip.  Youngjae got hyunjin and he looks pretty happy.

"Mark, Jeongin, you guys ready? JB is about to kill me if we make him wait for us any longer." I nervously laugh because I knew those words were true.

"Yeah!" Mark comes out with Jeongin and the cutest outfits ever and i just UWU.

"So how are things with Bang?"  I asked Jeongin.  All right him and Chan are together and everyone finds it so cute.  Jeongchan, it's just cute.

"Just closer than you and Mark hyung like always." He smile with mischief and I just laugh as Mark nods with the smile. 

"Fair point." Mark said before walking out the door. I sigh and Jeongin pats my back. 

"It's fine, a little more time in your relationship with Mark will be fine." I  nod and me and Jeongin walk out the door heading to our trip.

"It's so pretty here!" Felix spoke in awe running towards the lake in front of the cabins me and Youngjae rented for the week.

"Your right baby." Changbin said walking up to Felix swing his arm on the happy boys shoulder.

"well we're staying here all week! The cabins are all rented and all the same so pick one and pick one or two people to live with for the week."  Youngjae stator with a wide smile. We rented seven cabins. Three people live in two and the other cabins bunk'd up with two people just enough cabins for 16 people. I got a cabin alone with Mark and I'm happy but he took a separate bedroom. 

"Dinner soon come on!" I knock on his door and he just answers unenthusiastically.

"Yeah, let me go to the bathroom and I'll be out!"

"Okay I'll wait for you!" Mark stayed pretty silent then he ran to the bathroom. No time to wait I guess.


"Mark come to the docks with me." I've been planning this forever. Please work.

"Hold on let me go back to the cabin real quick." He smiled tapping my shoulder and running back to the cabin. 


It's been 2 hours and he still isn't at the dock... I guess he was tired.

"Yeah, just tired..." I sigh and lay on the dock hey, looking at the dark sky empty not very full of stars either. 

"No, avoiding you." A voice rang through the silence making me jump out of my skin. I sit up and look behind me to see Jeongin standing there with his phone shoved in his face.

"Why would you say that?" I asked as he sat down beside me.

"Because that's what he said." He gently handed me his phone with texts between him and Mark.

He wasn't lying....

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