Never Change

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Life has always been the most entertaining for John when he lived with Sherlock. The other man may be self absorbed at times and not understand other people very well

And be a know it all prick

And act like it was wrong for John to over react when he found out Sherlock was still alive

And he tried to drug John's coffee

And used him as an experiment several times

And put body parts in the fridge

And flirted with women

And even proposed to someone to get into an office

And told John that the two of them were going to die from a bomb only for it not to explode because he'd turned it off

And left John on a park bench while John was in the middle of a sentence

And painted and shot the wall because he was bored

And almost taken a pill that could have killed him

And let John pay a fine in court for spray painting a wall John hadn't graffitied

And pretty much been an absolute, all round, bloody dickhead.

But John wouldn't have it any other way.

Even when Sherlock walked into the flat covered in blood and carrying a harpoon.

Even when Sherlock sulked and pouted.

Even though Sherlock said some horrible things

John would never want anything about him to change.

AN: first one's always at least a little shit. Send in some requests so I can write better ones. (And yeah I published 2 and then 1, who cares?)

I don't even know with this one.

-the loser who writes things for people

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