Calorie counter

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Mycroft traced slow circles on Greg's hands and pressed a soft kiss beside his ear. He muttered a soft "I love you" in his partner's ear, making Greg turn a little red.

"I love you too." He replied in the same hushed tones, "But that doesn't change the fact that you haven't even touched the cake." A slight grimace appeared on Mycroft's face.

"You know I can't-"

"If you didn't want it why did you bother buying it?" Lestrade interrupted Mycroft's whining almost immediately after he began. Mycroft pouted slightly and looked away from his boyfriend, making Lestrade sigh.

"It's our anniversary, I think we should have the cake together." Lestrade explained, putting his hand on Mycroft's knee and rubbing small circles with his thumb. The two were in Lestrade's apartment on the lounge, but the lights were all of and instead the room was filled with the warm glow of candle light.

"Well normally Gregory, you know I would agree, but I'm on a very strict diet. I just don't think it's a good idea for me to have cake." Mycroft explained, leaning a little closer to Lestrade as he spoke.

"I can certainly help you burn off the calories if you'd like." Greg suggested playfully. He pressed a kiss to Mycroft's smiling lips and he relaxed into it easily. An idea struck Greg and, while still kissing Mycroft, he opened one of his eyes and reached for a spoon from the coffee table.

It took a bit of awkward leaning and praying that Mycroft would get suspicious, but soon Greg had a spoon in hand and fair amount of can piled on it. Now he just needed to get Mycroft to open his mouth. it wasn't really difficult, he slid his tongue along the other's lower lip and felt him open his mouth quite willingly. Greg took his chance, pulling away and sticking the spoon in Mycroft's mouth before he had a chance to close it.

Surprised and a little baffled, Mycroft had already swallowed the cake before he looked at the hole missing from the cake of the table. Horror filled his features as he removed the empty spoon from his mouth. He didn't speak; instead opting to just stare between Greg and the cake for a few seconds. Greg watched this in amusement for awhile before asking with a playful smile, "Did you like it?"

The glare that Lestrade received could have frozen an entire ocean. Mycroft opened his mouth to speak and Lestrade braced himself for yelling only to hear something much worse. A quiet whisper that shook heavily with rage.

"Do you know how many calories are in cake?" Greg swallowed thickly and shook his head.

Shit, why'd he have to be hot when he's mad?

"Well I mean, it can't be that bad." Greg respond a little shakily. The glare seemed somehow to intensify, making Greg blush a little bit, "I mean, it's not like you ate an entire slice or anything, it was just a little bit. I don't even think you need to worry about your weight anyway-" he felt himself rabble slightly, looking anywhere but at the glare that was threatening to kill him or possibly fuck him senseless. Knowing Mycroft, more likely the former.

As Lestrade continued to ramble he felt himself lean backward slightly and as he did, he felt the glare leave his face. He still refused to look back at Mycroft, but he did at least stop talking. Mycroft's hand was suddenly on Lestrade's inner thigh and moving rapidly upward, making him shudder.

Mycroft leaned forward and pressed his lips against Lestrade's neck, speaking in the same shuddering whisper he said, "You know Gregory, I think I might hair lefty you off this time. After all, it's our anniversary and I think you will be able to help me, as you said earlier, burn off these calories." An excited shiver ran through Lestrade.

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