Nightmare or Something Else?

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I have always been having weird dreams but recently, the nightmares have started outweighing the good dreams. They have started taking over.

One particular nightmare was so terrifying that it took me hours to calm down.

It started like any nightmare but suddenly, something changed. My body was lying in bed, asleep, but I was no longer in my body.

I told myself that it was just a dream but it was much worse than that.

To get some semblance of normalcy, I tried to move my hand, but the ability to control my hand was gone. I was thinking about moving my hands but nothing happened.

The connection between my mind and body was severed, I was floating over it. Nothing I thought of doing had any representation in the physical reality.

Then it hit me that there was some kind of presence occupying my body. I was pushed out of my body and another had full control of it.

The realization horrified me. I fought for supremacy, for my body to be mine again. It was the most difficult fight of my life but I knew that my existence depended on it, so I used the last of the energy to reclaim my body.

When I was one, I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs knowing that it was not just a nightmare, it was more than that.

It was an invasion of an evil presence. If it had been able to take over, it would have done terrible things.

Have in mind that it is not alone. There were others lurking nearby, looking for another body to possess. They are all around us, waiting patiently to take over our bodies.

Those bizarre dreams you are investigating? They are not dreams.

Don't take them lightly. Those are not nightmares, those are evil things trying to take over.

Don't let them!

For the love of God, fight! If it's a dream, it won't matter either way, but if I am right, don't you want to be ready to fight? Don't you want to stay yourselves?

Think about your family, friends. Whatever you do, don't let them win!


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