The Inheritance-A Bard's Tale : @Magic Contests and Challenges

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A warm breeze carried the salty smell of the ocean, partly soothing Ariana's broken heart.

Being crowned as the queen of all the lands was not what she wanted. It was the farthest thing from her heart's desire. Yet, it had to be done, for her father, for her people.

A long time ago, she had promised herself never to be as the humans she observed, waging their wars, making alliances through marriages, and there she was doing the same thing. Nothing could satiate the bitterness that lay heavily on her heart.

Even knowing that she was making it possible for her species to survive could not satiate the deep-seated desire to be in the ocean. Free.

It has been a year since the preparations for the coronation had started, and her heart ached more than she thought possible. Even small moments such as splashing around with her tail seemed magical in comparison to the burden that was legs.

How anyone could walk properly on those things was beyond her, but she did her best. It was all she could do, to proudly accept her fate.

After all, no one could say that becoming the queen of all lands was a terrible thing, many a woman had coveted the position Ariana so despised. Yet, she was the one chosen by the gods.

As her servants finished dressing her up in the most lavish and useless gown that she had ever seen, Ariana was allowed the luxury of a few moments to stand near the open window and gaze at the ocean that was and always would be her true home.

"It is time, Your Highness," a servant said.

The meekness of her voice, and the way she shrank from Ariana, made Ariana more uncomfortable than she had ever felt before. Back home, she and her mermaid friends were all equals, even though Ariana happened to be born as a princess.

"Very well. Let us grace them with our presence," Ariana said, sarcastically.

"Ahem, your Majesty, I am not allowed to attend, no Commoners are allowed to be present at such a glorious event except for the king's closest servants," the servant, whose name Ariana was never given, said.

Ariana's eyes widened in surprise, wondering how many more ridiculous laws she was bound to learn. In the ocean, the rules were far simpler and easier to follow. Harm none and have fun.

"Your escort is waiting, your Highness," the girl said.

Ariana was not only annoyed at the girl for interrupting her musings but also at the use of the title that she did not possess, not yet. Deep down, the soon-to-be-queen hoped beyond hoping that some worthier contender would be discovered to take up her place and the weight of the crown.

"I might as well fulfill my duty," she muttered under her breath as the door opened for her.

The moment she stepped out of the room, a servant offered his hand and gently guided her to the main staircase. The same staircase that was a nightmare to traverse in regular shoes, let alone high heeled glass shoes.

"Are you ready your Majesty?" the formally dressed man asked.

"As ready as one can be," she replied not feeling in the least ready for what was to happen.

"The king is waiting for you at the beach where the coronation is to be held, as it was agreed upon. All that is required of you, your Majesty, is to survive the trip to the beach in those shoes." He said with a huge grin.

His words shocked Ariana. None of the people of the land had addressed her with such honesty and familiarity. It made for a nice change.

At least in her last seconds of freedom, she would have a small part of her home to carry her through what had to be done.

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