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"Hija, when in doubt, don't." She declared before my other Uncles, Aunties and other cousins entered the house.

"Is this Danielle Iris Morrison? Hija, you've grown a lot!" Aunt Czarina laughed.

"Yes, I remember the last time I saw her she's like the same height with our table. Hahaha. You really had grown a lot, and you got prettier as well." Uncle Gregor remarked.

"I bet you have a boyfriend now, do you?" asked Aunt Flora.

"You're even more beautiful Danielle. You've got your Grandmother's eyes!" Uncle David noticed my eyes then he looked at Lola. Yes, my eyes were really like Lola's.

With their successive comments and interrogations, I didn't know what to answer first. I just smiled at their every remark.

"Okay, okay, enough with the questions. Let's eat dinner. I'm sure Danielle here is hungry and tired from her long trip." Thank you Lola, for noticing. 

I almost forgot that dinners here at the province were early. About 6:00 PM, unlike in the city.

After dinner, my cousins, Nico, Bianca, and Charice offered a tour around the town plaza. We went to the Church, lit some candles and prayed. 

After that, of course we can't forget about food trip. There's smoothie and popcorn at the plaza. And there's even a play at the mini stage located at the middle of the plaza just beside the fountain were benches were also located. 

Well, country life isn't bad after all. I've got to appreciate the little things.

Someone caught my attention, an old lady. 

I remember her! Why is she here? Isn't she supposed to be in the city? She's the one that gave me the brain-cracking prediction. 

"...What went before is yet to come."

It's still ringing in my head.

It's like a person long gone will be appearing again. That's all I could think of. 

But that's impossible! How can someone rise from the dead? That's creepy! 

I didn't notice that my cousins were approaching the fortune teller. Uh-oh. I don't feel like having an absurd prediction right now.

The old lady was staring intently at me, and then suddenly she showed me her toothless grin. Goosebumps everywhere. She's really freaking me out!

"How are you ladies and gentleman? Do you want me to read your future?" She's still looking at me while saying that.

"How much nanay?" asked Bianca.

"79 pesos" answered the old lady. 

Then Bianca, Nico and Charice gave her the money. 

"But first, let me give you a free word of wisdom tonight since you're my first costumer." She's referring to me. Uh-oh. Does my prediction have a continuation?  I hope it's not that puzzling again.

"Heavens have a special way of granting your hearts desires..." she paused for a moment then proceed to the fortune telling of my other cousins.

After that nerve-wrecking encounter with the same old lady, I went to my room upstairs near the attic and readied myself to doze off. How tiring this day went by. I need peace.

I turned off the lights and fell into a deep slumber.

In my dream, I was in the woods. I saw a guy and a girl about my age hugging each other. 

Then behind them, there's another guy looking at them, silently weeping. He walked away and I found myself following him. He seems so down and sad and lonely and broken-hearted all at the same time. How did I know? I just feel it. 

He leaned at a tree and let his tears flow. To be honest, I've never seen a man crying like this. But I wasn't turned off. I was amazed. His tears seem to come from the depths of his soul. It's so true, painfully true. 

All I could ask is, why is he weeping? Because of the scene earlier? Who are those people? 

I was now intently looking at him, curiosity filled my entire being. 

Who are you?

And then he suddenly spoke.

"Years may pass, people will change, feelings shall fade; but what I have for you, time can't take."

For whom? He is clearly promising something about forever. I can't contain my curiosity anymore, I want to come close but when I did, he faded. Now I'm searching through the woods hoping to find him. I can't understand my thoughts but deep inside me, I feel like I need to find him. I need to know him.

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