Time to Play Pt 2

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Yoongi's Stomach growled next to you
" it's not just me!"
you defended pointing beside you

"Well to be fair, none of us have had breakfast."
he added, kicking his foot out a little

"well I've seen my puppies, shall we go get lunch now?"
Hobi offered, the two of you nodding in response

Hobi went and rounded up the other members as you and Yoongi waited outside the store near the directory, looking to find where the food court is.

"Hamburgers!! Haaammburgers!!"
Tae yelled gleefully running out of the pet store.


Tae looked up at the pictures of different hamburgers he could pick, his mouth hung open

"how am I supposed to choose?!"
He groaned

"Just pick one!"
Jimin sighed throwing his hands up in the air
"I'm starving and you are taking forever"

"What did the Hamburger say to Taehyung?"
Jin was already smiling holding in his laugh before he even finished off his dad joke

"Just pickle me already!!" He cajoled

Jin let out a loud wind shield wiper laugh drawing attention of many around us. Jimin couldn't help but laugh also. Yoongi rolled his eyes and turned away from the group.

"You pick one and I'll pick one and we can go halves in two different ones?"
Hobi offered the younger

Tae's eyes lit up tenfold
"Really?!! thankyou Hyung!!"
he clung to Hobis arm.

Jungkook walked over to you and bent slightly, even for being fifteen he was taller than you. The only ones close to you height wise were Jimin and Yoongi.

"Can I get that one?"
he pointed up at the board asking quietly. You followed his hands direction nodding when you worked out what it was.

"is there anything else you want?"
You asked looking at him, he shook his head no and went over to where the others were who had already picked their meals.

Finally everyone had chosen what they wanted and you were relaying the long order to the cashier who was trying to keep up with you.

"Oh! what drinks to you all want."
You quickly yelled to the table of boys

various answers were shouted at you quickly from the table they had gone to sit at nearby. but very loudly and enthusiastically you heard Hobi yell SPRITE!

you paid for the meals and walked over to the pick up counter to wait, Namjoon walked over to you.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to say thank you enough for this Y/N"
He said looking with sincerity

Leaning against the counter looking at you as you waited to hear your number.

Y/N: then don't try. I know you are all thankful
you said nonchalantly.

Y/N: oh yeah, what movie did you pick for us to watch?

Namjoon: I wasn't sure what everyone would like to watch, so it's between "The Tower" and "The Amazing Spider Man", they start around the same time.

Y/N: we can ask while we eat, take a vote I guess
you suggested as you heard your number be called and three trays were pushed forward. Not including your drinks which were coming out in drink holders.

Namjoon motioned for a few to come over and help and carefully you carried a tray to the tables.

everyone dug in fast, it had been forever since you all had, had a decent meal and it tasted so good.

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