Family Wishes

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the next so many months seemed to hit like a bullet train, September passed, then October. then within the blink of an eye it was now December, December 31st to be exact.

Bangtan celebrations were always small, mostly because they couldn't afford to do much. Each birthday celebrated either at the studio or in their dorm.  Even Christmas had come and gone just a few days ago. you had helped Jin cook a small feast, kindly on behalf of the bands families sending food your way.

You had struggled a bit over Christmas time, and since your birthday Jin had done his best to make sure you felt cared for, this was really evident when each members families came to visit over the holiday period. Of course with your family living in Australia it was too hard to get out here for the short amount of time you'd have free, but Jin forced you to tag along to his families get together. you were incredibly grateful, they made you feel welcome, his mother even gave you a gift.

Now you were sat on the lounge having taken a break from setting up some streamers in the dorm room. 

Y/N: ugh my arms hurt

you threw your hands up in the air with a groan before letting them fall beside you on the lounge consequently smacking Yoongi who was laying next to you his legs handling up and over the arm of the lounge

Yoongi: yah! watch it!

he grumbled rubbing his forehead

Y/N: Oh! sorry Yoongi Oppa

Removing his hand and observing the light pink his forehead had turned you let out a small giggle that didn't go unnoticed.

Yoongi: hey don't laugh, you did this to me!

he fought with your hand that was now messing up his hair.

Y/N: I know I know!

you chuckled out

Y/N: your face matches your forehead now though

you bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing more

Yoongi sighed beside you before looking up at you from his spot

Yoongi: if you aren't careful I'll make yours match mine.

his voice was stern but laced with mischief, as much as he could be a lazy cat he was just as cheeky when he wanted to be.

you squeaked beside him getting up from the lounge quickly running off

Y/N: m-my arms suddenly don't hurt better go help more!

his stifled laughter could be heard behind you.

Hobi: Oh Y/N-ssi can you pass me the thumb tack

his bright smile not faltering as he pointed to the pack that sat on the kitchen bench

you nodded and carefully grabbed one passing it up to him watching as he pressed it into the side of the banner he hung up above the kitchen window.

It was one that Jungkook, yourself and Jimin had painted during a lunch break with some spare paper.

Y/N: Wah! it came out so nice!

you gasped looking at it now hanging proudly.

Hobi gave you a bright smile as he carefully climbed down off the counter.

Hobi: hey Y/N Noona will you be coming with us to the shops

you nodded your head returning an equally bright smile 

Jin: well if you two are ready then lets go!

Jin's voice could be heard from beside you as his head poked into the kitchen.

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