The Colour Green

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You rubbed your eyes for the millionth time today, trying to do it as subtly as possible as the camera crew continued to film your daily process. It was spine tingling as it was waking up to a camera shoved in your face and your Manager loudly yelling for the eight of you to wake up.

Today was the first day Rookie Kings would be filmed and it began the moment you opened your eyes, literally.

Jungkook: Noona stop rubbing your eyes you're smudging your makeup!

The equally sleepy boy said between yawns coming to stand beside you in the practice room.

You looked at him with his dark eyeliner smudged on one eye and giggled reaching up trying to rub the smudged black line off

Y/N: speak for yourself Kookie

Jungkook blushed giving you his Bunny smile.

Neither of you noticing the glares at your backs.

Hobi: Y/N NOONA!

Hobi yelled startling you making you accidentally poke Jungkook in the eye who yelped in pain, you quickly grabbed his face with both your hands and tried to look at it

Y/N: oh my god Kookie I'm so sorry, are you okay?

You asked worried, he nodded his head and you turned to see Hobi walked towards you, he didn't look happy. why?

Y/N: whats wrong Hobi-ah?

You said dropping your hands from Jungkook's face to look at the Sunshine boy, who honestly looked more like a cloudy day right now

Hobi: come on its time to practice!

He grumbled pulling you away a little harshly, you turned back to look at Jungkook who followed behind you.

The camera crew stopped and left the practice room so you could practice without the choreography for the next Lead Single being given away and spoiled.

The eight of you got into your positions, today you would do some last minute practices before you filmed the Dance segment of the MV tomorrow, you only had a few hours before filming the first episode of Rookie Kings this afternoon.

You were giggling along at something Jin had whispered to you when Hobi yelled for everyone to stop

Hobi: can you like NOT mess around when we are trying to practice Y/N!

He snapped, you froze in your place.

He looked furious and you honestly didn't understand why he was SO angry, it wasn't unlike you all to keep things friendly during practice so it didn't stress you all out, and you for a fact knew that Jin was stressed about this dance and you had been trying to cheer him up.

Y/N: I.. I'm sorry I~

You tried to apologise feeling really small as the other six watched the way Hobi made you shrink back.

Hobi: is this not important to you? do you think practice doesn't matter?

He barked at you harshly

You knew how serious he got when it came to work, dance in particular but he hadn't ever yelled at you. Not like this.

You were upset and now angry yourself that he didn't think you were taking this seriously

Y/N: are you kidding me? I don't take this seriously?

You yelled back 

You came to the front pressed play on the music player from the beginning and in front of him and the others who watched on worried completed the choreography with perfect timing.

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