Harder then it looks

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 I grunted as the baby's started whining again in the room next to us. I lifted up the duvet and opened the door. Being only a month old they did this quite frequently.

" Where are you going , love? " Harry asked .

" The baby's are crying again " I traveled to the door and slightly opened it. There they were having a hissy fit. I picked up Lou and rocked him back 'n' forth in my arms. Trying to get him to calm down so maybe I could move onto Josh. Then Harry came in and took Josh in his arms.

The crying soon stopped but I was having the hardest time going back to sleep . I flipped over to look at Harry. Sleeping peacefully.

" Harry " I nudged him to wake up. He just mumbled something and went back to sleep. I couldn't go back to sleep but I wanted to so bad. Maybe if I watch a movie I would go to sleep faster. I entered the freezing hallway and into the kitchen. I pulled out a can of lemonade and sat down on the couch. I flipped through the channels nothing really interesting happening at 3 in the morning.

" You cant sleep either " I jumped when I heard Louis.

" No " I huffed focusing my attention back onto the screen. I felt the couch sink beside me. Louis pulled me into his arms holding me for dear life.

" Louis it is harder than it looks " I once again snuggled closer to him.

" I know sweetie but it will be worth it " I felt a warm sensation on my cheek and I rested my head on his chest. My eyes soon closed. I was off to dreamland , the baby's didn't even wake me up.  

I bolted up from my spot and rubbed my eyes. Trying to at least see 2 feet ahead of me. Once my vision was back to normal. I looked around the room. Nobody! I found my way to the kitchen. To see a note on the door.

                            Beth -

                                     We have headed to the store be back in 30

                                                             Love your  brother .... Louis!

I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness and decided to go upstairs and check out me babys. I walked in and they weren't there. There was another note on Joshes crib.

                                            We took the baby's too :)

 I guess I do ... something. I shrugged and went back to the couch. What can I do today? Maybe I could go watch movies and eat popcorn like I do most of the time. I ran up the stairs and grabbed the first movie that I saw. Which happened to be The Hunger Games. Not my favorite movie but honestly I was to lazy to go back up there.


I heard the door slam close and I jumped p from my warm spot on the couch. Louis set the bags on the counter. Harry came in soon after him carrying the baby's.

" Ahh! " I yelled. Louis clutched his chest and breathed in and out. I held out my arms wanting Harry to give me one of them. He handed me Josh and I kissed his bald head. Harry wrapped his arms around me as we swayed back in forth. I felt his lips make contact behind my ear.

" I love you " He whispered lightly into my ear.

" I love you too " I rested my head on his shoulder and in no time Josh was asleep. Lou has been asleep forever. I made my way to the backyard the boys following me. The grass had grown since the last time. The chain on the swing was rotting away.I sat on the empty swing.

" Push me " I giggled. Harry laughed and came to push me. Louis sat down beside me.

" Push me " We all started laughing really hard. Harry drug his feet on the ground and went to push Louis.

" Come back to me " I whined. For the next couple of minutes Harry went back and forth between me and Louis. I walked into the nursery. They were still sound asleep. Their room was like out of a story one of my favorites to be exact. This story was Peter Pan.

I felt Harry wrapped his arms around me. I turned to face him. His green orbs starring right through me.

" I love you " He squeaked. I edged my lips towards his they kept getting closer and closer until I could feel his hot breathe on my lips. We were so close . Then the baby's started acting up again. I sighed and ran by the cribs.

" Shhhh... " I cooed to them rocking the crib. They finally stopped the tears and I turned my attention back to Harry.

" Now where were we " Harry winked and connected our lips. I felt him play with the ring on my finger as our lips moved in sync.

" Harry , what are we going to do about this " I pointed to the ring on my ring finger. Biting my lip bringing blood.

" We could start planning the wedding " His hands found my way to my back. We slowly danced around the room to the sound of nothing.


The next day I decided to go with my mum to get this whole wedding thing out. I walked up the cobble stoned steps and pushed the door.

" Welcome and take a seat " I sat down in the round red chair in front of the desk. While mum took the couch. A rather young lady walked in with clip board in hand. She smiled at me and folded her hands.

" So... tell me about the wedding you want " She glared at me

" Simple " I replied. She nodded at took notes and waved her hand for us to come follow her. She took us into a ballroom filled with dresses , cakes , wine , music , and much more. 

" Okay so we are going to meet Mondays and Fridays .... " She more demanded then asked. The receptionist took me and mum out. The car was silent , the only noise was music in the background.

" Sweetie , erm.... " The car jolted to a stop and the driver turned around with a evil look in his eyes.

" Get out " His spat in our faces. I got out and looked at my surroundings. We were in a warehouse , there was nobody there but us. The stairs were rusted , the floor creaked , it looked like it was about to crumble down any second. What are we doing here ??

I love you but I shouldntWhere stories live. Discover now