Plans. Plans. More Plans. SO MANY PLANS.

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"Oops, sorrrryyyyyyy.... My baaaaad..." Punzie did her puppy eyes at Elsa.

"It's OK, since you're jumpy today.... I'll just go to Mer and catch up with her." Elsa smiled.

"Well Good bye Bye Bye Bye!" Punzie waved as Elsa and the others, now bored, who helped the children do their art went inside Elsa's car.

"Ummmmm... Elsa? I'm sorry Elsa, but Freddie and I have a double date with Hiro and Go Go. Gomenasai." Honey pouted.

"And I have to work with Professor  Croods later, I'm sorry." Wassabi poke up.

"And my battery is almost low, I must go home immediately. Mr. Wasabi, do you mind delivering me home?" Baymax said, his eyes blinking.

"No problem."

"How about you, Jackson? Any plans?" Elsa looked at him through the rearview mirror.

"Naaaaaaaah." He shook his head.

"Do you mind being my escort to the redhead later?" Elsa smiled.

"No problem."

Guys, I know, I did not update for days, so sue me! *sniffles*

OK, I'm done.....*checks checklist*

And I want to announce a contest: 'HiccStrid Baby/Babies Names'

You comment in this chappie and suggest names for babies. One girl, One boy.... But they won't be having twins, sorry.

And the winner shall be mentioned in the next chappie.

They will also make a character in this story.

*throws double dutch and rocky road ice cream randomly* *throws Baymax and Toothless plushies* *flies away*

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