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Gina: He is the special one, and i believe in him. The highest one: And that's all that he needs. Glow: I know, but i have to find him. The highest one: But keep that in mind, that he has to pass his test by himself. Glow: I know. Glow flies, she wants to find Jake. At the evil angel's place: The two angels Crystal and Mike are coming, they are flying Jake over to the dark place. Mike: Look, what we found. Devin flies over to them. Devin: Who do we have here? Crystal: It's one of the good angels. Devin: I can see that. Jake: Let me fly. Devin: No, what's your name? Jake: My name is Jake, what's your name? Devin: My name is Devin. Devin is suddenly looking at Jake. Devin: Release him a little. The angels realeases him a little. Devin: Let me ask you, why are you here at the dark place of heaven? Jake: I'm here, to make good things. Devin: Good things, like how? Jake: You don't know who i am, do you? Devin: No, i don't think so, why are you asking me about that? Jake: Because i wanna know, if you know a good angel? Devin: Yes, i knew one, but i don't know where she is. Jake: What if i know her, what would you do? Devin: She dosen't know where i am. Jake: Are you sure about that? Devin: Yes, i'm sure about that. Devin is suddenly looking at Jake, with a weird look. Devin: I think i know, who you are. Jake: Then who i am? Devin: You said that you're name was Jake, right? Jake: Yes, that's right. Devin is laughing. Devin: That's really incredible. Jake: What's incredible? Devin: I remember that my old friend Glow got a baby, the baby's name was Jake, so, that means that you're that angel, aren't you? Jake: Yes, i am, i'm Glow's angel son. Devin is laughing at him. Devin: Where did she hide you from me? Jake: I was at a place you never could find me. Devin: Tell me now, where did she hide you from me? Jake: You'll never find out. Devin: Are you sure? Jake: Yes. Jake is looking down, and suddenly is Devin seeing it, and then he is thinking. Devin: I think, i know where she were hiding you. Jake: Where? Devin: She was hiding you on the earth, didn't she? Jake get's scared of the evil angel. Jake: Yes, i was on the earth, so i could be in a save place, away from you. Devin is laughing. Devin: But you're not save anymore. Jake: What do you want from me? Devin: I want you to be on my side. Jake get's mad. Jake: I'll never be on your side, never. Devin: You have to. Jake: No, never. Suddenly is Glow coming, she can see that Devin and the angels has Jake. She flies over to them. Glow: Let my son fly. Devin is suddenly looking at Glow. Devin: Glow, it's been a while. Glow: Let Jake fly, now. Suddenly Jake comes free from the angels. He hurries to fly over to his mother. Jake: Mom. Glow: Jake. Jake gives his mom a hug. Suddenly is Devin flying over to Jake, and then he begins to use his dark angel powers on him. Jake also begin to use  his strong angel powers to stop Devin. They are flying, while they are fighting against each other. Suddenly is Jake flying over to Devin. Jake: Don't you wanna stop this? Devin: Why should i? Jake: Because you're not like that. Devin: You don't know me at all, i'm not a good angel. Jake: You don't know that, do you? Devin: Yes, i know. Jake and Devin are still fighting in the sky. Jake: Listen to me. Devin: No, i don't wanna listen to you. Jake: You have to. Devin: No. Suddenly is Jake's angel powers getting stronger than Devin's dark angel powers. He stops Devin's dark angel powers. Jake: Don't you wanna stop this? Devin: Why should i? Jake: Because i know that you're good enough in the end. Devin: But i'm more different than you, i'm born as an evil angel. Jake: Then look at me, i'm more different than you and than all other angels. Devin is looking at Jake. Devin: No. Jake: I know you can become a good angel, if you are on my side.

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