Natalia: That's a bummer, for the both of us. Jake: Yeah, it is, but we can't be together. Natalia: That's a shame. Jake: I know that it is. Jake is a little sad, Natalia comforts him, and then he is looking at her. Natalia: Jake, what's wrong? Jake: Look at me, and tell me what you see? Natalia is looking at Jake. Natalia: I can see that you're handsome, and that you're sweet. Jake: Do you see something else? Natalia: Like what? Jake: Can't you see that i'm different than the other angels? Natalia: Oh, yeah, i didn't notice that, for a while. Natalia is kissing Jake, he kisses her back. Jake: I can't do this, i'm sorry. Natalia: It's okay. In heaven: Glow and Devin are back in heaven. The highest one sees them and flies over to them. The highest one: Hey, how did it go on the earth? Glow: It went fine. The highest one: That's good. Devin: But we have a big problem with Jake. The highest one: Did he do something? Devin: Yes, he did. The highest one: What did he do? Glow: Jake kissed with a human being. The highest one: What? Glow: He kissed a human being. The highest one is getting very mad. The highest one: He is getting a big punishment tomorrow. Next day: It's morning: Jake is on the way out, but Natalia stops him. Natalia: Where are you going? Jake: I'm going outside, do you wanna come with me? Natalia: Yeah. They're going outside, they're sitting and talking. Suddenly are the two angels Mike and Crystal coming. Mike: Hey, Jake. Crystal: We found you. Jake: What do you want? Crystal: What are you doing with her? Mike: Isn't she a human? Jake: Yes, she is, why are you asking me about that? Crystal: Are you allowed to be here, at her home? Jake: Why do you care about that?