Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Alex's POV

That suspicion stayed with me for the rest of the afternoon. All of them seemed to be hiding something from me. It was extremely uncomfortable for the rest of afternoon tea because Harry and Jamie were trying to figure out Axel and I's ship name. They decided it was going to be Axalex, I didn't get why they thought that I was going to never mind. My phone beeped it was my mother

Come home now

I frowned at my phone as we walked out of the restaurant.

"What's wrong?" I turned to Harry

"My mum wants me to come home now."

"Okay, Axel can drop you off." I shook my head it's like those two are really trying to get us together like they had a ship name for us, and they were asking me if we kissed yet like come on guys, we only met a few days go. As we walked back into the corridor Axel shot up and hugged me, I froze in his arms confused why he was hugging me.

"I'll take you home." I stared at him confused how did he already know that I needed to go home?

The next day

Selena's POV

I casually walked into the hospital with my phone pressed to my ear talking to Claudia

Room 128a ICU Floor 9.

Since when was he in the ICU.

Thanks, Cluad.

No problem just be warned Brooklyn misses you and really wants to hug you and Axel and his girlfriend are here.

My mouth dropped Axel has a girlfriend that was extremely surprising especially with his attitude.

Okay see you in five.

I managed to smile as I walked onto the elevator. I played on my phone bored as I waited for the elevator to arrive. Nine floors later the doors dinged, and Rowan walked into the elevator. He sneered at me before bumping my shoulder I rushed to get out of the elevator. Rowan and I don't get along at all. He hates me because I'm closer with Nico. I never knew if I should try and talk to Rowan and just who knows. As I walked into Nico's corridor Brooklyn ran up to me and hugged my legs. Brooklyn was one of the best well behaved kids I ever had met. Axel not so much, I swooped up Brooklyn into my arms and hugged her, kissing her on the forehead. Axel stood closest to Nico's room with a girl leaning against the wall in front of him. If sensing my look Axel looked towards me and saluted me mockingly, the girl turned around and held out a hand.

"I'm Alex, you are?" I grinned and shook her hand

"Selena, Nico's best friend." Axel rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her back into him. Her cheeks flamed up. She swatted at his arm before turning around and saying something into his ear. He let go of her. Maybe Axel has finally met his match.

"Selena." I turned around to see Claudia standing there tears streaming down her face. Axel must have seen the look on my face because he took his sister out of my arms. I ran over to her and hugged her knowing how upset she is. She already lost one kid. I pulled back keeping a comforting arm around her shoulders and guided her into Nico's room. Claudia took a step back and walked back out of the room. I frowned watching her leave the room before looking back to Nico, he laid on the bed his eyes closed with tubes attached to him and bruises all over his face.

"You know staring is rude." Nico rasped. I grinned

"Well you should be used to it with the number of groupies you have." He laughed but soon started coughing. I quickly moved to the pitcher of water sitting on the table next to him and passed the cup to him before pouring water into it. He sipped it after coughing a few more times.

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