ch 3 - lets go

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If you're not comfortable or are unable to withstand the imaginary image of violent writings please skip, any damage is not my fault. I warned you!

started 4/1/2020


"Okay, so you're telling me that she burnt the house back then? with what logic are you convincing me right now?" the white-haired man scoffed to the black-suited guy.


the man empties his glass while placing his arse on the sofa. he stared at his driver and motioned his hands. the driver was passive, fellow workmate shot their best plaintive looks; though their hearts were crying, full pain-filled them reluctantly. "s-sorry.." the butler whispered to the driver as he made his ways to the remorseless. he forced a smile, but just as quickly it disappears.

the remorseless glared at his worker, each one of them. as if they are muted, each order was obeyed. they stand in one line with a drop of depressing thoughts that soon fills each mind.

they witnessed their fellow drop to the floor harshly. their eyes wide opened. the man carved a monstrous smile as he swings his golf club to the driver's knee. he glanced at his worker's reactions. one of them tried to stop him but was dragged out by the guard. he glanced at one of his guards, Adweine...Aweine? whatever the frick his name is but.. isn't this that bastard that broke my beloved vase imported from Arab?

his veins look as if they were going to pop, it was visibly scary enough. With no mercy, he took the medium-sized vase in his right hand and grab the young guard by the hair. The vase broke, so did the young guard's head.

He collapsed to the floor, his eyes open, silently crying; silently screaming.

The man wasn't satisfied yet, he continued swinging his golf club mercilessly to his prey. the victim was restless, he gasps for air after each swing was made. the remorseless restlessly swings his club as if he was hitting a golf ball. blood splatter everywhere in the room, to the predator, to the speechless workers. blood gush down his hands as the impotent shut their eyes, unable to stare or even glance. tears rushed down their faces, curse by curse was only expressed in hearts.

he will always be remembered till the day the truth unravels.

"What the hell are you doing there?! CLEAN THE PLACE NOW" all his workers wobbled to the door. "Get me a glass of water" he urges the maid; making her anxious as she hurried down the kitchen.

He sat on the couch, wiping the blood dripping from the golf club. "Frick, I wasted my golf club on his dirty blood."

He then shot a look at the black-suited guy, smirking with his corner lips curved. he's devilish, probably devil disguised as a man, remorseless is what they call him. A monster, a villain whom everyone despises, one that is hated by his children.

"End him," he said with a mocking smile, just as quickly the guy dropped to his knee.

"p-p-please, don't kill me. d-don't kill me, I have a child to support. I seek your forgiveness, master."

"I'll be nice, do anything but let him live, he said he needs to raise his child, a daughter huh? is she any pretty?" honestly that sounded more like a statement than a question.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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