A week later Yoongi sat in the waiting area of the community hospital. This place was very familiar to him as he sometimes took Namjoon to his therapy sessions.
Yoongi sat there anxiously, his leg bouncing, as he looked around the very dull grey purple room covered in informational posters. He eventually decided to look at his phone to distract him.
After a few moments the psychiatrist came out and asked for Yoongi to follow her in. Once in the room Yoongi handed her the email his mum had sent answering the needed questions. Yoongi then sat down before commencing the test. First he had to put a puzzle together with foam pieces, which Yoongi thought looked a lot like a tree from one side and a rocket from the other. Next they played with some little toys where he came up with the story of space dinosaurs invading earth, Yoongi really liked this bit. And lastly they read through a children's book as Yoongi answered questions about what may happen next.
Once they had finished this, after about an hour, the psychiatrist stepped out of the room to do something Yoongi didn't know. Those 5 minutes she was felt like an eternity as Yoongi looked around the small dull room.
Once she came back she handed Yoongi some informational leaflets and packs before saying " I defiantly do suspect you're on the autistic spectrum."
Yoongi said his thank yous and goodbye before heading out and back to the company building to announce the news.

Yoongi's discovery
FanfictionWhat happens when Yoongi makes a discovery that could change his life but also make everything make sense. Maybe Yoongi x bts On temporary, maybe permanent, discontinuation.