Cat Café/Bar

536 17 4

Song Reccomended for this chapter Burn Out by Imagine Dragons

You walked downtown to your Favorite café/bar

You sat down in one of the stools in front of the bar area, you saw a bartender with black hair

"Sir! May I get a-- Shota?!" You came to realization when the man turned, his eyes widened

"Y/N? I've n-never seen you c-come in here!"

"Shota? I never knew you worked here!"

He poared coke and vodka together and shook it. He threw it under his arm and caught it

"Impressive!" You clapped

"I've learned over the years" he poared it in a glass "Here, its on the house"

"Thanks, Shota" you shot it down "It's delicious! How did you do this?"

"I've been working here for 12 years" a small black and white cat jumped on the bar table

"Aw" it sat in your lap "Cute"

"Yeah, that's Oreo" he picked it up "You're our first customer today, Y/N"

"Oh, okay" you can feel your face burn

"Why are you so flushed today?" A grin slowly forms on his face

"Uh... I'm flushed? Gee, I..-" he handed you a paper, walking away to serve another customer. The customer immediately held a gun to him

"GIVE ME THE FUCKING MONEY AND I WON'T BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF" Aizawa held up his hands You jumped on the man and 4 bullets were fired, one hit the wall, and the other 3, 2 hit Aizawa's arms and one-

You knocked out the man only to look around and see blood poaring out of his stomach. He looked up with fear.

"...Y-Y/N..." blood came out of his mouth

"ZAWA!" He fell to his knees, you dialed 911

"911 what's your emergency?" A male said from the other line

You explained and told them the address

You laid him down in your lap

"Everything's going dark, Y/N, is it bad that I'm freezing?" you could feel his body going cold

"It's okay, it's gonna be okay, that's okay" you started to cry when you saw him trembling

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I Don't feel the pain" he started to close his eyes

"No, Don't say that, Don't say sorry" you wrapped your F/C sweater around his arms

"Do you love me?" He went pale

"Yes, I do" you moved some strands of hair out of his face

"Everything is fading away, Y/N, I'm scared" His grip on your hand started to loosen

"No, Don't be scared, you'll be okay" his hand fell from your's

"I-Is this what It feels like to die, Y/N?" He starts to shake, body ice cold

"Shh, don't say that, it'll be okay" his eyes clouded over

"Everything is going black"

"No, Don't leave me baby, you'll be okay"

"I-Im cold" he shivered

"It's cold in here, keep your warmth" you kiss his head

"I-I love you, Y/N, I'll always be with yo...u..." He slurred the last word as he went limp as soon as Hizashi and Nemuri ran in, everything went in slow motion, the ambulance rushing in to send him to the hospital, the cops arresting the shooter

"SHO!" Hizashi fell to his knees "What happened?"

"He was shot in the arms and stomach" you started to tremble as Nemuri hugged you

"Shh, it's okay, everything will be fine" you passed out from the shock

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