1st Bath Bandaged

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"Okay, Shota, come into the bathroom!" You yelled

"Why? Someone kinky?" You could hear a weak laugh as the bandaged man grunted trying to get up

He couldn't exactly shower or bathe, or anything that involved personal hygiene without being in pain, so, you had to help him. Sometimes it was awkward because you had to see him naked. This particular case was your first time doing this.

He limped into the bathroom, you immediately started to take off the bandages. You gasped when you looked at his face. His face was purple and all bruised up, and he had staples under his eye where there was a deep gash.(Pic above)

You started to cry "Oh, Shota" he had a look of pity on his face

"I'm fine" he grunted because his jaw hurt

"N-Not only did you have a heart attack 3 weeks ago, but you died, you were revived, twice!" You hugged his chest, being careful not to hurt him

"Its okay" he kissed your head "Can you help with the bath?" You nodded and turned on the water. You put in the medicine Recovery Lady gave you in the water.

You zipped down his baggy bodysuit and he stepped out of it. His arms were broken and one has scar on its elbow from Shigaraki

"Uh" you started to blush realizing that you had to take off his boxers

"Its fine" his face turns a red-purple color due to the bruises

You pulled down his boxers, being sure you Don't look

You helped him step into the water and sit down, he sat with a painful yell

"Ah! I'm sorry!" You flinch away

"I-Its okay" his face had a smile but he was still cringing

You looked for his shampoo

"Its under the sink" he tried to point but immediately cringed and relaxed his arm

You found it

"Seriously? You use cat shampoo?"

"Yeah, it makes my hair soft..." he looked away with a blush on his face

You rubbed it into his hair, making sure not to hurt him.

"Wow, your hair is soft" you rinsed it out

"Thanks..." you then realized, how was he gonna clean his body

"Uh-" before you could speak, he cut you off

"Just put the soap in the water, I got this" he tried to grab the soap but he screamed out in pain

"No, let me do it" you grabbed a washcloth and put soap on it

You started to wash his face VERY SLOWLY AND SOFTLY so it wouldn't hurt, but he cringed once in a while, you went down to his chest. There were scars but, that's normal for a pro. You had to do this carefully because of your own injuries

You had to go even further down...

"I can do that" Aizawa went to go down but you heard a pop and he hissed in pain and started to cry, he looked up at you and the whites of his eyes were red

"Oh, Shota, baby, Don't cry" you rubbed his hair, you felt rage bubble up inside you

"IM GONNA KILL WHOEVER DID THIS TO YOU!" You yelled, sparks coming out of your hands

"Please- calm down" he sniffled

You cleaned the- rest of him, his face was red throughout the entire thing, once in a while, he'd let out small high pitched moans and his legs would twitch, then you helped him get dressed.

You took one more good look at his beaten face, you kissed his lips gently and wrapped up his face and arms

"I love you, Y/N" He kissed your cheek

"I love you too, Shota" You smiled

The rest of the night you slept next to eachother

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