Entrance Exams

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Short Chapter

It was the next day and you woke up next to a sleeping Aizawa,

"Get up, it's the Entrance Exams, we'll be late!" He hugged you

"No, just a bit longer" he started to snore softly

You started to use your quirk by making your arm move really fast and you touched him

His body jolted

"OW, WHAT THE FUCK, Y/N?" He yelled, holding his side.

"Sorry~" you laughed


"So, you're All Might?" You looked at the scrawny blonde man in front of you, his eyes were sapphire blue and sunken, he was bleeding from the mouth


"Prove it!" Your eyes shined with determination

He started to smoke and he turned muscular, "I AM HERE"

"Holy Shit it is you!"

You saw a greenette Boy jump into the sky and destroy a 0-pointer

"That's my Disciple" Toshinori stood proudly as everyone clapped

"He looks like he'd be your son, Toshi" Aizawa sat down

"YEEEEAAAAAH" Hizashi screamed

"Laugh Out Loud" you said



"Here, I wanted to give you this" he held out his hand, gesturing you to give him your phone

"Uh, okay..." you handed it to him

He put in his phone number

"There" you looked at it and smiled

"Thanks, Shota"

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