Purple Gorilla

195 8 3

Kurt's pov

A few minutes later all of Team Canada came out of the tent, the older two holding Pause, and walked to the van. On the way they shot Genny dirty looks.

Etho set Pause in the middle of the row and him and Beef climbed in on either side. Once they were both in, they shot a look at the B-Team and slammed the door.

Seth got up to check on MC and I took them both into the tent. Once inside, MC grabbed a pillow to muffle his fit of giggles. When I looked at Seth, he looked so confused so I sat him down and told him the plan.

"We thought the guys took it too far so we decided to get back at them. Pause is totally fine. Let's go back out. MC, keep hugging the pillow. It will make you seem a little more scared."

I stood up and helped MC stand. We exited the tent. And sat on one of the logs around the fire. After a minute or two, the three boys came out of the van and sat down. Beef and Etho on either side of Pause. Genny and Bdubs sat nervously looking from Team Canada to MC and I.

After enough torture for the two I looked at Pause and slightly nodded and nudged MC so he knew what was happening. I held my fingers down by my knee and counted down from three on them.

As soon as I hit one the three of us erupted into fits of hysterical giggles. "We*laugh* totally *fit of giggles* got you!!!"

Oh boy, Genny And Bdubs were red in the face from laughter. They faced the fact that we got them good.

Time Skip (20 minutes)

"So I have a story for y'all." I stood up and looked around the circle. "It's not scary but it may seem that way at first."

"When I was younger, I had an old pick-up that didn't run very well. I was constantly needing to repair it, but I couldn't afford anything better.

One evening, I was driving home from a camping trip out in the mountains and it started sputtering which was a good sign it would soon stop running. Luckily, there was a farm up ahead so I pulled in and stopped.

I knocked on the door and asked the farmer if I could use his phone to call for help. Unfortunately, he didn't have a phone way out there. So, I asked him if I could spend the night in his barn and maybe use his tools to fix my truck in the morning. Now, you know how farmers are - always willing to help folks out and all - so he said that would be just fine. He even invited me to have dinner before turning in for the night.

We had a nice dinner of beef, potatoes, and beans and then he showed me to the barn so I could lay out my sleeping bag on the straw. It was a real nice barn and I was sure I'd get a good night's sleep. But, just as he was leaving, he said there was one thing he figured I should know about.

So, he took me over to a pile of straw and pushed it out of the way, revealing a trap door in the floor. He grabbed the iron ring on the door, and pulled it up - creeeeeeeeeeek. There I saw stairs heading down into the dark and I followed the farmer down the stairs - squeek, squeek, squeek, squeek.

At the bottom of the stairs there was a large oak door with an iron bolt. The farmer pushed the bolt across - clunk - and pulled the door open - creeeeeeeeeek - and walked through.

Down a narrow, dark tunnel we encountered a steel door with a solid crossbar holding it clossed. The farmer lifted the crossbar - groooooooan - and struggled to pull the door open - uuumph, grunt - and we walked on.

A few yards further on was a clear door made of bullet-proof glass 12 inches thick. It had a combination lock and I watched as the farmer opened it - 12-23-7 - click, click, click and then swung the door open - swooooosh.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2014 ⏰

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