🍄 bede x tsundere!reader

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8:30 AM, the clock read. Therefore, already getting a late start on the day before the champion cup. I'd stayed the night in the hotel up in Wyndon, but it was late by the time Hop had dragged me away from the tall grass to get some sleep. Even he had his limits, but I found myself always feeling indefinitely motivated to get better. I'd only gotten all my pokémon just over level 55, but I hoped that would be enough. I still felt butterfree with tiny metal wings flying around in my stomach, though. After all, what if I couldn't beat the other trainers, let alone Leon? I shake those thoughts away once more and look at the clock again. This time, it read 8:45. I got up and ready for the day, taking a deep inhale as I pushed my H/C locks behind my ear. Mounting my bag onto my shoulders, I walked towards the door of my hotel room, locked it from the outside, and walked towards the room Hop was staying in. But, on his door, there was a note taped to the door.
"Hey mate! Lee agreed to have one last minute battle with me at the stadium before we face the challengers today, so I headed out early. All of Galar's gonna be watching us, so let's give it our all!
      - Hop"
All of Galar. Those words in particular were stuck in my mind. I really wanted to win, otherwise everything I'd done up to that point would be pointless, more or less. I ripped the note off his door, reading it over and over again, to distract myself from my growing anxiety. I walked towards the elevator while skimming it over a few more times. I looked up once I was in the elevator to select the 1st floor from the steel buttons. Then I went back to trying to distract myself. Rather than going straight to the 1st floor, the elevator stopped at the 3rd for a moment. As the doors opened, a familiar head of platinum hair tilted itself at me.
"Hello, Y/N," my name rolled off his tongue, almost like poisoned honey. "Didn't think I'd be seeing you here."
"Bede.. what's that supposed to mean?" I asked, returning the tone.
"Nothing, just that I figured someone as lacking as you in true talent wouldn't have made it this far," he shrugged nonchalantly.
"Psh, at least I didn't get kicked out of the gym challenge entirely," I sneered.
"Why you-!" He sighed, restraining himself. "There's no need to talk of that, after all, to both of our knowledge at this point, I might as well be considered to have excelled over you. Gym leader is ranked higher than gym challenger, right?" He gave his signature, condescending smirk. "I mean, you can't seriously assume you'll beat the champion. If anyone had a chance, it would be me."
"Just wait and see.. I'll beat him," I try to not remind myself of my mini panic attack from earlier.
"Right.. where's the idiot? What was his name again... Hock?" He asks.
"His name is Hop, and he just went to get some last minute training in," I explain. "Wait.. if you're a gym leader, why are you even here? Can you not even take care of the gym?"
"I came to watch the matches, what did you think?" He says.
"No need to be such an arse about it, geez. Aren't you terrified of Opal or something?" I chuckle to myself a bit.
"Barely," the white haired boy glances away for a moment. "Besides, I came to watch your match too. You're a runner-up against me," he says with pride.
"Like.. a rival?" I wonder.
"Hardly, don't get cocky. Plus, your fights are always able to catch one's attention," he further defends himself.
An awkward silence protrudes between us.
"Is it just me, or is this elevator ride longer than usual..." I think aloud.
"Now that you mention it, yeah. Doesn't feel like we're moving much either," Bede analyzes.
"Are we.. even moving at all?" I feel butterfree run wild in my stomach once more. "What if we get stuck?"
"That won't happen.. I think," even in Bede's tone, there was some amount of worry.
"Well..." I slide down against the wall of the elevator until I'm eventually sitting down. "We could be here for a while, might as well get comfy."
"Yeah," Bede slides down the wall across from me. "I guess we could be."

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andddd that's the end of this oneshot- sorry that it's fairly short and kinda lacking in most areas oops- this is my first time writing a oneshot so I didn't really know where I was going with it

requested by ;; @WoofDaDrawinq

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