Rumours or Facts?

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In Nickelandia the four girls were having fun in their various CCA's.
Sandy in Martial Arts, Tootie in Science, Cindy in Art and Sam in Literature.

"Hey girls! What's shaking?" Cindy asked as she met her friends outside the unisex toilet.

"We'll all waiting for the ghost of Mr Sanderson to appear." Tootie asked, "Who's this Sanderson fellow and why haven't I heard of him before?" Sandy asked.

"Mr Sandeson is this fellow who died in this very toilet," Sam explained. Tootie thought it was just a fantasy made up by the media, so she played along with Sam's story. The four of them counted from 10 to 1. After counting, they saw a figure groaning. They screamed and they ran down the stairs. 

As is turns out, the 'Mr Sanderson' rumour was false as Mr Sanderson was a human who was always mistaken for a pixie and was indeed alive. 

"I'll get you, girls! If it is the last thing I'll do! he growled and he exited the toilet to go home to set up his plan.

Meanwhile, the girls were hiding as they fear the 'ghost' would follow them. "Did he find us?" Tootie panicked, Cindy replied "No." 

"That was close, Tonight the movie "Slashing of Kennywood" is on Tv who's gonna watch it? Or are you all cowards?" Sam asked.

 "Slashing of Kennywood?" Of course, we'll watch it. Sandy proclaimed. "Good tomorrow we'll see who survives after tonight's movie," Sam said 

They said goodbye to each other and they left the community club to go home.

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